Reviews for The Princess of Gryffindor
And FOREVER chapter 5 . 3/7/2019
And FOREVER chapter 4 . 3/7/2019
I'm liking this story so far!
miloradowicz chapter 9 . 2/25/2019
Well, the great Russian writer Dostoevsky's once said words that beauty will save the world are very well known. What is probably less known, is that this revelation struck him while he was observing a British street whore during his recreational vacation to England. While you can only guess what thought processes led him to such a conclusion, there is no doubt what kind of beauty he was talking about. And he wrote about whores quite abundantly too. Come to think about it, he had explored exactly this scenario on no less than two occasions. There is "Crime and Punishment", where a whore saves her man. Then, there is "Notes from Underground" where a whore attempts to save her man, but he is too proud to accept her compassion.
GeekLoveFan chapter 40 . 2/23/2019
Wow. Oh wow. This was utter perfection.
Sawyer chapter 38 . 2/10/2019
The man who lived! I love your creativity, the plots but also the sense of humor . your characterization of Snape is one of the best out there. Please come back and continue creating Fanfictions please
Sawyer chapter 37 . 2/10/2019
I am crying so hard! I am sure Ron and Harry would be around her if that really have happened
Sawyer chapter 30 . 2/10/2019
I cried! This was so moving and so amazing. I really mourn the fact that Harry is dead. What will it take for you to come back and write again?
danceduo chapter 40 . 1/6/2019
️. Thank you for another great story!
happiness8000 chapter 40 . 12/6/2018
Love this story, it makes me cry!
happiness8000 chapter 3 . 12/5/2018
The last lines are so sad.
happiness8000 chapter 1 . 12/5/2018
Hermione's utter hopelessness is written well.
Rosmerta chapter 40 . 11/11/2018
Thanks for this wonderful story! Your characterizations of Severus and Hermione are perfect for the story, and I love the characters you created such as Caroline and Agatha. Terrific plotting and writing!
HermioneIncarnate chapter 40 . 10/27/2018
This is a beautiful and wonderful story. You wrote it to perfection. I’m so happy to have found it. Thank you for sharing your gift.
the.interwebs chapter 40 . 9/22/2018
A very stunning piece, very difficult to feel at times but totally worth it. I appreciate the dynamic and how things worked out. Lovely, thanks!
Guest chapter 40 . 9/12/2018
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