Reviews for Semi Charmed Life
Cupid's Jinx chapter 9 . 4/5/2010
How simply marvellous!

I absolutely adored each and every step of this incredible fanfiction (although a little horrified at the Twilight reference, I must admit that the great thought that went into the linking’s of the two fit so well I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't been such a fan in the past).

A truly splendid read (:


EmeraldRomance chapter 8 . 3/22/2010
Cute finish!

I really loved this story. As I mentioned, parts of it seemed worthy of a huge sweeping epic fantasy film. I don't even mind that Hoggle is gone...does that make me cruel? LOL

I hope you write some more Labby stuff!
EmeraldRomance chapter 7 . 3/22/2010
Very clever interweaving of tales here...I wonder, was this always your intent? Or did you have some fun after I'm sure a bunch of us questioned the twins abilities? Either way, it's quite genius!
EmeraldRomance chapter 6 . 3/22/2010
Back from my nap...What a lovely reunion. I am a bit puzzled how Jareth knew to show up at Halloween. Perhaps I was reading too fast, but I don't recall her summoning him (or contacting him directly in anyway) and while it is basic understanding that creatures can supposedly move between the veils on Halloween, you didn't mention that either.

Still three chapters to go? Hm I wonder what tricks you still have up your sleeve...
EmeraldRomance chapter 5 . 3/22/2010
Oh no no no no no! Why'd you have to go and do a thing like that? (Hmm, sounded a bit like Hoggle there, didn't I?) I'm with Sarah, why didn't he fight harder to keep her?

I'm sure it will work out alright...right?
EmeraldRomance chapter 4 . 3/22/2010
I can't believe I still have 5 chapters left! It's like Christmas! Seriously...we have to find a way to tell more people about this story. It is incredible...I think maybe it is your summary? I had this on my TBR list for almost a month, I could kick myself for not reading it sooner. THe summary doesn't really match the awesome adventure awaiting the reader.

Can't wait to keep going. (BTW, were the evil twins supposed to be based on Alec and Jane in Twilight? They had the exact same powers...)
EmeraldRomance chapter 3 . 3/22/2010
How come you don't have more reviews than you do? This thing is freakin' brilliant! You have written Jareth more alien than anyone else, and yet he is still as infuriatingly irresistible as ever! And your landscapes just boggle my mind. Spiders AND snakes? AH! This is LOTR epic. I am hoping for more J/S time soon though...maybe another nightime camping encounter?
EmeraldRomance chapter 2 . 3/22/2010
This is really, really good. You seem to excel at fantasy writing. This new world is indulgent and fascinating, and Jareth as the leader? Hell yeah! I already feel the tension brewing between him and Sarah...I look forward to that developing even more.
EmeraldRomance chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
What a truly awesome beginning. I totally loved the university scene. (I can finally say the word thesis without getting took me three years to get to this point LOL)

You have me quite confused by the watery murders and missing kids though...I'm trying to link it to goblins or Jareth, but I can't. Not that I want him to be evil, but it seems the most logical connection to draw...maybe I should stop trying so hard.
Miss Mercury101 chapter 9 . 2/20/2010
That was so good! It was just, wow. And when I recognised the powers and then names of Aro, Jane and Alec, I pretty much started squeeing. Elisabeth sounds like such a cute baby, and she can levitate. I loved Sarah and Jareth's courtship, and your explanation of other worlds. Fantastic story.
Groovekittie chapter 9 . 2/20/2010
Over the past week, I've read a ton of Labyrinth fic (watched the movie last weekend), and this is the first time leaving a review. Why am I compelled to finally leave a comment? Well, because this is not only well written, it is well conceived and executed. Well done! Brava! Excellent work! Honestly, this is the first one I've read where I didn't flinch and question the wisdom in ever clicking on the title. lol Loved it from beginning to end! All the characters are *in character* and I even wibbled and shed a tear over poor dear Hoggle! Thanks for sharing!
Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf chapter 9 . 2/16/2010
*laughs* oh my! I was not expecting a references chapter! *giggles* Though I should have for how well organized all your chapters have been. I enjoyed all the literary and mythical references -though nothing made me gape and laugh quite like the twins being 'Twilight's Jane & Alec and meeting Aro. _ Fantastic! You turned something that was making me frown with the similarities into something absolutely brilliant! Seriously, the descriptions right at the start had me upset not pulling why I was thinking them familiar then the full descriptions of their powers initially had me becoming disappointed that they seemed to be 'copied' without viability or credit. Aye, I know this is fanfiction... but as this wasn't a crossover... *wry grin* okies... so it was rather silly of me but I can't very well help my first reactions now, can I? ;)

Wonderfully brilliant composition. I am sad for Hoggle's heartbreak and passing, but I loved the gesture Jareth gave Sarah in his memory. I loved all the little nuances and tidbits tucked away within this story as it made the tale deep and interesting. Good work!

Thank you for writing!
starbright37 chapter 9 . 1/31/2010
oh wow. I was with you right up until you put twilight in it. so in my mind that whole part didn't happen. other that that awesomeness, great story. your an amazing writer. :D
jeevesandwooster chapter 9 . 1/29/2010
Ah. Yep. There's the proof of the Torchwood reference. Points for Doctor Who and Torchwood...I'll just pretend the Twilight thing didn't happen. :p

Loved the story...very cute. I was devastated by Hoggle's death though...
jeevesandwooster chapter 2 . 1/29/2010
Haha. Wow. I can't believe it took me so long into the story...I should have picked up on it after the roses clue...though I suppose I can be excused since the two categories normally wouldn't overlap.

So...uh..."Torchwood" fan are you?

This story is pretty fascinating so far...and if you like Torchwood you must have good taste. Excited to read the rest of it.

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