Reviews for A Glass of Chardonnay and a Bottle of Rum
blueberry chapter 1 . 6/29/2020
You words are beautiful, I love it soooo much.
Seafret chapter 84 . 10/13/2018
I drank all of these words up in about two hours; and I can’t explain how I feel now, having completed it.
This is just a work of art: and it’s beyond Hetalia. I find it to be beautiful in a way, how it portrays relationships, feelings. I cried while reading, and even smiled, truly smiled, something that does not come frequently for me. Because it reminded me of how people function in a chaotic mess of urges, emotions, actions. All of it. I’m grateful to have absorbed the meaning of all those paragraphs - thank you. Well done.
Helena chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
If you are reading this, will you please continue this story? I love the relationship so much and you've captured their moments so beautifully, just the way I imagine it would be. I've read the story several times since four years ago. I know you haven't posted anything since 2012 but I still hope that you will come back.
Rosi chapter 5 . 3/28/2016
This is all so well thought out and amazing. Really well done!
Ivory Rouge chapter 84 . 6/22/2015
You've managed to capture what is probably the most complicated relationship in the Hetalia universe and actually put it down into words. 84 chapters of them. This is amazing. It's my new favorite hetalia fic.
Missingwings chapter 84 . 12/29/2014
I'm... I'm in love with this. So sad, happy, depressing, sweet... Just so amazing! Several times I felt like crying, others I felt the same anger they did... Seriously well written, beautiful interpretation of the couple and the concept of countries as people. Love this, thank you very much.
Guest chapter 20 . 12/21/2014
I know this was written over three years ago but I feel like I just had to say something! This is probably the first or one of the first FrUk fanfictions I ever read when I first started liking Hetalia a while ago, and I have loved France and England ever since! But this is an amazing story and I love it so much! You describe their relationship very well. You are a wonderful writer and you have a lot of talent! Thank you for writing this.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/4/2014
This is my favorite chapter so far! I love how you portrayed France like he didn't care if everyone found out about their relationship together, and England's reaction was just so... Argh, I couldn't explain it in words! But I'm guessing you know what I mean. Ooh, what if their bosses found out about their marriage? It's just like Romeo and Juliet all over again; a forbidden relationship. And on a completely random note, when you mentioned the chardonnay and rum at the part where they were on the sailboat, I couldn't help but smile as I remembered the fic's title. Come to think of it, I remembered chapters where you mentioned chardonnay and rum, and I couldn't stop smiling. Anyway, back to the topic. I love this. Even if I still obviously haven't even reached halfway across this fic, I'm going to try my best and finish reading this. It just hooked me up, you know? Well, I think that the thing about this fic, is that it shows everyone the different dimensions of France and England's relationship. You portray them as humans, human beings with actual feelings, and quite perfectly, I may add, and that's what I like best about the story. Period.
Shiralala chapter 47 . 3/1/2014
I can't explain it but for some reason this is one of my top favorites out of all of your non-AU drabbles
TheLadySky chapter 84 . 9/6/2013
I read all these chapters in under two weeks, this was amazing, thank you!
Jeimii-chan2009 chapter 78 . 9/4/2013
i really like this story!
RyuGorgon12 chapter 6 . 7/1/2013
I'm in loooove, with a fairytale, even though, it hurts! Cause I don't care, if I lose my mind, i'm already cursed! I love that song! Go FRUK!
Guest chapter 52 . 6/13/2013
Katt42 chapter 40 . 11/6/2012
I almost cried on this chapter.
bye sora chapter 84 . 2/29/2012
this is just wonderful! stalking this!

just because is exactly how I imagine them *O*
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