Reviews for Caveat Inimici
Lathena Mercion chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
This is an excellent and most powerful story. I loved your Hermione. I believe she was true to all your stated goals in your essay at the end. Thanks for adding that because it deepened my understanding of the woman you were portraying. This was very truly good. I liked the descriptions of the difference between languages used for magic at all point. That was creative and awesome and true. I particularly appreciate your phrasing and word choose - What I mean is there are ways of saying thing that have more power, a greater resonance within the human mind. It is a sign of a better writer. And I believe that in addition to having excellent and well thought out ideas you also have a masterful way of conveying them. From start to finish I loved every word and twist of this story. Well done and thank you for writing.
Allejen chapter 1 . 1/9/2010
Wow. This Hermione is terrifying in a very Hermione way. I liked Crookshanks as the commentator and, as he points out, she has always had a tendency toward malevolent play.
magesrk chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
Congratulations you've written and very good story while not only staying true to cannon, but making the story concept complete and plausible. So kudos, good job etc...
Lady Azar de Tameran chapter 1 . 12/20/2009
Very, very interesting. And I have to say that your points about Hermione's character are very valid. I can honestly see this side of her character just as easily as her bookish tendencies. It's there, just beneath the surface if one looks deeply enough.

I love your language touches, too. The parts about Aramaic and Latin particularly. I've always been fascinated by the Killing curse and the fact that it has a different incantation from other spells. That it is not Latin-based at all. But no one ever really addresses that, me included.

I also find it interesting that you choose to pair Harry with Luna. Well, that Hermione does. But I can see why she would wish that match, and you highlight her thinking behind the move very well.

All in all, this was enjoyable and well-thought out. I'm adding it to my C2 group in the hopes that others will read it as well.

Fibinaci chapter 1 . 12/8/2009
Very well done, I think you drew a very clear line from where she was in canon to where she goes here.
sarcastic melody chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
That was intense...
slyfendora chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
Oh my goodness this is creepy-and it's made all the more powerful for Hermione's "developed rhetoric" because it makes you sympathize. You did very well on the persuasive aspect of this. Halfway through the fic I was hanging on Hermione's every word, and it didn't even matter what Ginny did to deserve punishment (or not, as the case may be), because I could practically feel Hermione's pain, and her course of action seems so perfectly workable-until she tells Ginny what the rest of her life would be like. The description of her future solitary life, alone but for the endless repetition of her punishment...I literally got chills. Hermione really is scarily intelligent, and her reasoning plays to everyone's feelings, because most people would go to any lengths to protect their loved ones, but Hermione is not actually thinking straight at this moment. "Best served cold" and all that...Hermione is lashing out in anger, and it's incredible and horrifying the damage that she can do even overcome by emotion. And of course, intelligent people are the best at justification, even to themselves. I see this as an extremely good description of Hermione's character-calm, cool, understanding, but push her just once too hard...

I can only imagine what her surviving family will think after her death, when they see the brand on her neck. Her children are apparently intelligent, like her-will one of them realize that there appears to be a pattern throughout Hermione's life with people who offend her? Disappearances, convenient deaths, strange coincidences and descents into madness, all, of course, with perfect plausible deniability and no reason at all to suppose any foul play...*shivers*

Very well done.
Arsinoe de Blassenville chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
Very creative and well-written. I agree that Hermione has a profoundly ruthless streak. Even in second-year, she ripped a page from a book rather than taking notes. I thought at the time it was curious behavior for a "bookworm," but the pattern was clear by the time of Umbridge and McClaggen. The notes were just as much fun as the story. Very, very well done!
twinfeathers chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
This is very good, but slightly darker than I anticipated and I think that if you wrote this in dialogue or any other way it would have been screwed up, but this is amazing.
maialia chapter 1 . 11/15/2009
Oh I like it! Very dark and it draws you in!
mione 956 chapter 1 . 11/13/2009
OMG!WOW! I'm so speachless!

Thank u soo much 4 ur hard work on this story, it made my day!

This story made me realize how Hermione can be a complete genius;the plan she did was brilliant and flawless!

But after all, u made up her plan and all of those spells, thank u (again) 4 sharing those ideas with us, it must hav been hard!

btw I'm writing my first review ever,so be proud that u made a silent reader review!
TheRoseandtheDagger chapter 1 . 11/13/2009
i agree with all your thoughs on Hermione and must say the films annoy the hell out of me with how much of Hermione's character's has been cut and important points that set up the Deathly Hallows. looking forward to your next chapter you have amazing detail x x x
Irishlassie101 chapter 1 . 11/13/2009
...first I thought: a little exaggerated, a little over the top, it happens all the time that a marriage breaks up...

...then: Hermione is totally bananas, totally bonkers

...and finally: A dark cold brilliant mind devises a frightening cruel cunning plan and will probably suceed

I like your Hermione, she fascinates and frightens me to no end.

I am no great fan of the Ginny character, but I really feel sorry for her !

Your skills with words and languages are really impressive, Ive seldom read such a well designed piece of work.

history chapter 1 . 11/13/2009
I like a lot your story ! Hermione is so fanstatic in this story . hermione is for me a character that neither i like and neither i dislike . But here i like her a lot . The msitake in the books are that harry has
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