Reviews for Caveat Inimici |
SlytherinsFlower317 chapter 1 . 7/10/2019 I don't think I have ever loved a Dark Hermione fic more! The calculated revenge is entirely too beautiful for words! |
Old Emerald Eye chapter 1 . 5/26/2019 holeymoley your hermione is excellent |
annasfanfic chapter 1 . 4/4/2019 3 |
lakelady8425 chapter 1 . 3/21/2019 I enjoyed your post-story musings as much as the story itself. A Hermione who is darker than canon is appealing and makes sense to me. |
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2019 Since when is wanting to be a successful person and not wanting to be a house wife a crime? So Hermione is punishing Ginny for the thought of entertaining that she be valued as her own person on the basis of her own merits rather than being values as the Boy-Who-Lived's wife? Frankly, I cannot agree with the idea of punishing Ginny for being her own person and wanting to be successful. |
ariannac chapter 1 . 12/26/2018 Very wicked. I love it! I almost want to read Harry’s point of view as if he suspects and approves. For the witch who never left him, I think he’d understand. Good job on making your reader think hard. |
Error chapter 1 . 11/6/2018 Dear guest a few comments below me (as you should be) The sheer stupidity of your comment is baffling. It's incredible how everything you said is established on baseless assumptions. Especially the wizarding world being "patriarchal" and "misogynistic" something that any self respecting fan know has been denied by J.K. Rowlings : the (british) wizarding world do not discriminate on sex, races or religions, it discriminate on blood statut (and on races if we take into account non-human races). Funny how such a patriarchal and misogynistic world seems to put a lot a women in positions of power like Millicent Bagnold the former minister of magic or Amelia Bones director of DMLE who was probably murdered by Voldemort because she was going to be the next minister or even Minerva McGonagall deputy headmistress of Hogwarts. Hell, even the bad guys do not seems to do it : Dolores Umbridge is high ranked in both Fudge government and later during Voldemort's ruling and Bellatrix Lestrange is one of the most fear death eater. So I ask you, can you show us any evidence of the so called "patriarchal and frankly misogynistic" world you are talking about and that only exist in your mind and in fanfictions, there is nothing wrong about creating a fiction were british magical society is like that but it's not canon. The part that really made me laugh is when you said that Ginny punishment was unreasonable (which is obviously true), implying that there should be a punishment but not that harsh. And what is your solution ? To give Ginny half of Harry's fortune of course ! Are you sure this punishment isn't to hard on her ? Being given half of someone fortune seems so cruel ! And your justification is that Ginny had given Harry "the best years of her life", another idiotic argument since it can easly be reverse, Harry too has given Ginny the best years of his life. Why would she be the only one to get a reward for leaving ? It's never implied that she had not a successful career. And if your solution to fight for women independence is to have them live on men's money and therefore not be independent at all, it's rather ironic. And I just realize that I spend a few minutes of the best years of my life dealing with your stupidity, it's time I will never have back ! Please give me half of everything you own so I can be free to go on my journey of self-discovery. In conclusion, please stop giving your opinion on this subject, you do more harm that good and give feminism a bad name. |
Dumbfounded chapter 1 . 10/18/2018 Deep loyalty combined with exquisite ruthlessness adding several paving stones at once to the road to hell. A harsh punishment for someone who made a bad decision, applied by the coldest logic. And the worst of it all - it is fully believable once you accept the premises. Frighteningly well written. Chapeau! |
palmtreehead chapter 1 . 10/1/2018 Almost skipped it cos horror freaks me out, but this was very interesting. I’m glad I read your notes cos I feel it makes more sense for the Golden Trio to overreact to something that may have been fixable due to their own trauma. Ron’s evolution as seen by Hermione was also fascinating. Thanks for sharing |
serialkeller chapter 1 . 8/5/2018 I could see Hermione being like that after canon. The writing format was really hard to read though. |
RevDorothyL chapter 1 . 7/30/2018 I found this portrayal of Hermione compelling and believable, as well as appropriately chilling. Well done! |
Guest chapter 1 . 6/5/2018 Ginny's punishment is unreasonable. She deserves happiness, and if Harry is neglecting her needs (I could see it - he's battling a lot of mental issues), divorce is the answer. She deserves to really live her life instead of being shackled in the medieval role of a housewife. There's a reason no-fault divorces were created - it was so women could escape abusive (or like in Ginny's case, unhappy) marriages. A fair outcome would be Ginny receiving half Harry's wealth for the best years of her life she'd given him, leaving her free to go on a journey of self-discovery. Of course, we're talking about the wizarding world, so this is more a commentary on how patriarchal and frankly misogynistic it is, rather than a criticism of your story. |
Temporal Knight chapter 1 . 5/21/2018 Wow. That's I fully agree by the way, Hermione is a scary, dangerous, exceptionally competent witch who has ZERO issues with enacting extreme, long-lasting revenge on those who screw with Harry. I have no real idea how she managed to hook up with Ron in canon after the amount of times that he's hurt Harry personally... Yeah, Ginny a bitch here, but damn. At least take off the charm once she's in the hospital instead of letting her suffer for forever! Umbitch deserves that kind of suffering not Ginny! |
bellachaos chapter 1 . 4/30/2018 LOVED this fic. I've always been fascinated by Hermione's calculating and ruthless side. I think you did a great job of exploring the potential of Hermione's righteous and vengeful streak. |
Lots-of-Little-Pink-Clouds chapter 1 . 2/21/2018 Wow. Just... Wow. Okay, I have many thoughts on this, bare with me. Firstly, I loved the narrative structure of this piece. Reading it from Crookshanks' POV is great - you get to see Hermione from a different perspective as opposed to the rather rampant Harry POV, Ron POV, amongst others. The fact it's from Crookshanks' POV gives you insight into his relationship with Hermione - I can SENSE the respect that Crookshanks has for his mistress and I loved the way you tied in his kneazle side with his cat side. It gave me lots of insight into his character that you rarely ever see in HP fanfiction and I LOVED it. Secondly, Hermione. Oh. My. God. Yes. Yes. Just... Yes. I can see her thought process in her narration - you did an amazing job on that btw - and the pacing I found was really good. The gradual build up with what Hermione did to Marietta and Umbridge leading into the reveal of Ginny's betrayal was really well done (while I understand that Ginny left Harry and stuff ensued, I'm still not entirely certain of WHAT exactly she did, specifically did she just up and disappear or did she cheat on him etc, but I like the ambiguity). I LOVED how Hermione's brilliance is spot on and how you describe how she comes to her conclusions, I LOVED the viciousness that is uniquely HERMIONE that you developed in this story, I LOVED watching the build up to the reveal of what Hermione plans on doing to Ginny. Thirdly, the author's note at the end. Reading your author's note then reading through the story again brought a level of understanding that I didn't have at first when I read it the first time. Your Hermione is believable and her thought process follows to the relevant conclusion that I can infer based on her character in this fic. Same with Ginny. I could understand why Hermione was specifically vindictive towards her just as I could understand the thought process going through Ginny's mind about her own actions. The amount of believability that is in this fic is AMAZING. I loved this story a lot. Thank you SO MUCH for writing it. Honestly, it makes me want to write something with this Hermione, though it probably won't be as good as what you have here. Keep doing what you're doing! :) |