Reviews for Beautiful Stranger
Flora Mile chapter 41 . 1/3/2023
Love this story, thank u for writing it
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 39 . 11/14/2022
That's a pretty sweet wrap-up.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 38 . 11/14/2022
Bella should definitely still be fighting for legal stipulations-like the absence of James's parents. That was a decent thing he did, but be doesn't have a history of showing much backbone.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 37 . 11/11/2022
I did wonder if the house would be for them!
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 34 . 11/9/2022
Okay, I'm going to speculate for a minute.

The thing about James is that he's done fuck-all to show that he can take responsibility for anything. He never paid any child support, right? That was his parents. He didn't get his own place; he moved into his girlfriend's apartment. Even his job is something he got and probably keeps through nepotism.

I'm wondering if they're going to use that to prevent, or at least delay, a change in custody. Like, "How about we see if you can manage to pay your own child support for a while before you start getting unsupervised time with a tiny human."

Of course, it's possible that you've got something entirely different up your sleeves, but that's the path that my mind is wandering down.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 33 . 11/8/2022
Yeah, the assault business came back to bite her in the ass after all. This won't bite a fun battle.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 32 . 11/8/2022
This story gets harder to read every time I come across one of these ugly comments about weight. The writing very much implies that overweight people have less value than thin people. It's off-putting.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 30 . 11/8/2022
Wow. Edward and Alice are pulling some seriously disrespectful shit.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 28 . 11/8/2022
Punching James as a huge mistake. Being late is bad, but assault will lose you a custody battle.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 27 . 11/7/2022
I'm thinking it would be a good idea to call the police too. There should be an official record as early as possible.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 26 . 11/7/2022
I love that the girls have decided that they each get a baby.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 25 . 11/7/2022
Edward, honey, maybe the doctor's office isn't the right place to have the work conversation.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 24 . 11/7/2022
Welp. They're going to need a nursery.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 23 . 11/5/2022
Wow. A lot of fat-shaming in this chapter.
BookwormBaby2580 chapter 22 . 11/4/2022
Bella is just dragging out her anxiety. She ought to tell Edward so she can feel better.
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