Reviews for Harry Potter and the Root of all Evil
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2020
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2020
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2020
A10riddick chapter 1 . 8/11/2020
Interesting start of the story!

Wouldn't it be funny if Merlin is another version of Harry Potter!

How many times does this make it for Harry going back?
sunandkp chapter 15 . 7/9/2020
Still waiting for you to update!
ShadowedDarkness1230 chapter 6 . 5/23/2020
I can't lie, when I saw the explicit content warning I was praying for it to be between Harry and Rowena. I will admit that I was disappointed.

None the less, I love this story. Fantasticly well written!
Thiago-Gamer12 chapter 15 . 4/23/2020
hello. the fic is great. update my main lenguage is spanish, and my english is bad. :D
Guest chapter 13 . 3/18/2020
Another lie. Your Harry IS a shallow man or he would have had sex with four she elves. Again this was a shitty decision made by you. You want a particular Harry and you describe him as such but have act completely different. He is not honorable, noble, smart, considerate. No he is careless, forgetful, brainless, impulsive, unfeeling, and someone who gives fuck all about getting his priorities in the right order.
Guest chapter 12 . 3/18/2020
It’s only lighthearted because harry is an idiot and ignoring the very fucking reason he’s in the past. The author has lost the plot and now Harry is on a fucking pointless training montage that take up a lot of words but add nothing to the story or endgame. Get to the fucking point and stop wasting time.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/18/2020
A useless chapter. Not needed in the slightest. Get back to the dam story. Get back to the ship you advertised but so far have lied about. Stop going on stupid unneeded tangents. Stop having the character be an idiot ad wasting huge amounts of time and ignoring his fucking mission. The reason he went back in time but keeps getting side tracked from for idiotic reasons?
Guest chapter 9 . 3/18/2020
More fucking retarded Harry who spends time he does not have doing things best done later after the important shit is taken care of. But sure ignore your loved one for years and months. Ignore the world ending knowledge getting further and further away. Allow more time for forbiddon knowledge to spread. That sounds smart. This author is making dumb ass decisions for fake drama and making the main character an absolute moron. I’m out. This story should be deleted so as not to increase others idiocy.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/18/2020
Another retarded plot point. The Harry you have written is really really stupid. I’m beginning to hate his constant moronic decisions and rolling over like a spineless wimp. I came here for a smart Harry who has a romance with Rowena. Instead we get an idiot who while trying to build a relationship with Rowena decides to be a slut. Yeah. I call blatant lies by the author. Also idiotic readers who complained the relationship was moving to fast. The only thing they have done is talk and share meals. How is that moving to fast? And you listened to the fucking idiots and included this pathetic decision to be a man whore. Disappointing.
Lightwavers chapter 1 . 1/26/2020
Well, that's disgusting. Immortality is something to strive for, not condemn.
Schaal Michael chapter 15 . 11/20/2019
i would absolutely love for this wonderful story to be picked up again. i hope all is well with you as well. you are a fantastic writer and i love this story.
bauers374 chapter 13 . 10/4/2019
I Guess you could say they've been... THUNDERSTRUCK
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