Reviews for NGE: Nobody Dies |
Arthur Dent chapter 4 . 10/9/2013 "When he realized you and Ayanami pilot giant robots you had to hose him down... - the first of these "you"s is personal singular you, referring to Shinji - the second is either a mistake, or some weird referent and number the chill of the sea air batters him against the chill of the awkward situation. - if 'batters' was 'buffers', a bit like 'distracts', then I'd know what you meant - else it might mean 'hurries him into', but I'm not sure that word works for that sailors and officers cycling in and our c/our/out/ Watching them go, her eyebrow twitches and her right fist clenches, muttering a swear. c/her eyebrow/Misato's eyebrow/ It wasn't clear until the next sentence that this wasn't Asuka acting c/swear/swear word/ As it dives, the light around it bends and flashes, sending it deep into the ocean before surfaces… c/before surfaces/before it surfaces/ |
Arthur Dent chapter 3 . 10/9/2013 c/he peaks around corners/he peeks .../ |
Guest chapter 1 . 10/6/2013 Your uncle and aunt has sent us updates - uncle and aunt sent us updates (implies that it's finished) - uncle and aunt have sent us updates (implies that it might continue) he wants to the side catwalk c/wants/walks/ she responds, After we recovered the plug c/After/"after/ |
KingOuma chapter 110 . 9/30/2013 Read in four days! Give me more! |
Enerael chapter 1 . 9/25/2013 I have read great many fanfictions on this site, with some preference towards humor. I have thought I know the funniest fics on this site. I was utterly wrong. Never before have I read something that had me laughing so much and often. And then there is the Awesome. I officialy declare this THE best humor genre story on this site in my (considerable) experience. THANK YOU! P.S. It has 600 000 words and is still active. I love you. |
Cemalidor chapter 7 . 8/14/2013 I know that this story is kinda discontinued, but as i reread this and stumbeld over: [quote] "Soooo," she says, "Just wanna tell you, Asuka's my bestest friend. And if you touch her…" She narrows her eyes, only slightly. "I touch you." [/quote] i just remember the phrase you used in the 'rewrite' about a certain song. "You touched my tralalala, my ding ding dong" *rofl* |
Story Weaver1 chapter 3 . 8/13/2013 Rei lack of inhbitations and Rei brutality; Evangelion Designer politics, this is the kind of difference that makes alternate universe worth reading. |
Madman chapter 110 . 8/7/2013 I don't see what so special about this fic? Just another lame fic where shinji is this fake ass badass whit a backbone, asuka is a crybaby who think shinji is some god and kensuke is mindless fool who ben made to look bad due to fans hating him for no reason at all? This fic is crap. |
CodeGeassAddict chapter 14 . 7/31/2013 Katsuragi reaches into the crate, rummages, and takes out a six inch long replica of Unit 01's entry plug. She twists the control at one end, and the plug begins to vibrate. Switching it off, she stares at Maya as the young woman goes beat red. ...It's beet, god-fucking-damnit! Rightt, sorry. It's just that bloody nobody spells that correctly. Anyway, great story and all that. Yeah... |
Story Weaver1 chapter 2 . 7/25/2013 Wow, another 180 in personality. Given the changed circumstances, it makes an alarming degree of sense. This story's Rei is funny-scary. |
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2013 Shinji... you are screwed beyond measure. |
Alexis Wells-Anderson chapter 110 . 7/9/2013 Inspirational. Simply inspirational. I mean, I've read Nobody Dies a few times now, and each time I find something new to love about it. The characters, the well-meshed setting and the sheer greatness of the world you recreated from the Evangelion (and other) fandom. From page one, I was hooked. Shinji's snarkiness and down-to-earthness; Asuka's realistic character development (and her hitting her smother with a chair); and even Rei's... Rei-ness. It is a fantastic work and I am hoping you continue it one day. That said, time to read it again. -Smith |
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 27 . 7/8/2013 Rei is now Commander Shepard. |
shadowrallen chapter 8 . 6/28/2013 HITCHIKER'S GUIDE REFERECE! I LOVE THAT BOOK! |
EchoesofMemory chapter 110 . 6/24/2013 Suggestion - the Ree find Hetalia. THE WORLD WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. |