Reviews for NGE: Nobody Dies |
AnonReviewer chapter 110 . 2/22/2013 Hard to believe it's been a year since the last update on this site. Whether I sound believable or not, I do feel like there's been something missing the whole time. You wrote a good story here. Suspense, drama, tender moments and action scenes, every chapter has been packed with things that have kept me reading and rereading this over the last three years. I've always subscribed to the notion that Action, Intrigue, and Romance together make the perfect story, and I find everything I need to be completely satisfied with everything here. There were a lot of fans who didn't appreciate a few of the latest revelations within the story, but it's your story. You are the one at its helm, and you decide where you want to go. I just wanted to say that I personally have faith in your ability to continue this story all the way to what will undoubtedly be an epic conclusion. |
Gxmwp chapter 44 . 2/21/2013 So I need help understanding which universes are being used in here. So one is the anime, another the manga and the other this what universe does the fourth one take place in? _ |
Gxmwp chapter 13 . 2/17/2013 So I had this long reveiw to write you, but after reading the end all I have to say is WTF |
cREIzyREEder chapter 110 . 2/16/2013 Awesome! Read the whole thing in a week. Love Kei and Mari, got a kick out of her "optic blast" attack :-) Looking forward to new chapters :-) |
Cuilan ARGO chapter 110 . 2/7/2013 Please do not let life prevent you from continuing this |
pika247 chapter 110 . 2/7/2013 Wow, too bad this hasn't been updated for a year now, it's a really well written fic, even if it has a few glaring spelling errors. I love the insanity of it (I totally saw the Giga Drill Break coming as soon as Eva-05's drill was described), but there were so many plot twists that really got me. The image of the 9 MP Evas singing Ring Around the Rosie may be one of the most traumatizing images I have ever envisioned though. Also, all the universe hopping was made me consider the consequences of the Nobody Dies characters cropping up in my Eva fic. The calamity would be great. I somehow see Rei hijacking Unit 02, activating Beast Mode Phase 2, and then using the Strike Laser Claw from Zoids now. . . . interesting. Anyway, I really hope you pick this back up, it might be the best Eva AU I have ever experienced. |
Fengxian chapter 110 . 2/4/2013 Dude, it's been nearly a year. Are we EVER going to get an update? |
ST1990 chapter 110 . 2/1/2013 Are you going to continue this? I was wondering because, well, I got to this chapter, and, well, there was nothing after it. I really like it. I'm no good with humor, and to see it in Evangelion, and done WELL, I might add, is really interesting as well as entertaining. It's part of the reason I want you to continue it. The other is that I like your take on the humans, and angels and how they interact. Anyway, hope you continue, and if not, I'll just start my own Evangelion fic, and see how far it goes. It probably won't match yours though! LOL |
KJHWCCS chapter 110 . 1/28/2013 Ok, I think my last review was…three years ago? I forgot about this story and picked it up again, admittedly it took me longer than I wanted to re-read and leave a review, but, here it is! Firstly, the action and humour as spot on. Every action scene is wonderfully crafted and the humour is spot on thrilling. It’s generally an unwritten rule not to include blatant references and memes, but considering how absurd this story goes with its humour, it fits and it’s hilarious. Your characterisation is spot on. I love snarky Shinji, stuttering Asuka and crazy Rei. Your OCs are excellent, I love Kei and Uri especially. Your development of Kyoko is wonderful; she really struck me throughout reading. Overall everything is so expansive and ambitious, I have no doubt you’ll see this story to the very end. It’s a great, action-packed take on Eva and definitely one of my favourite stories here thus far. For the negative though, sometimes the spelling mistakes were too glaring and interested the flow of the story and I really did feel at times that just too much was going on with too many characters and too many angels. Was there a real need for the amount of time dedicated to the dream sequence for example? It did get a bit *too* silly at parts and it felt a bit aimless at times, diverging from the plot. I also feel that there hasn’t been the greatest mention made as to exactly what is happening, so, more foreshadowing would be a good bet. It was just hard to keep track of everything that was going on at times and made more recent chapter readings hard to follow. Overall however everything written was very enjoyable, fun, action packed with enjoyable characters and interesting premise. I’ll be following this story straight to the end! |
Zero Slash One chapter 101 . 1/13/2013 This, This is so AWESOME, that even calling it that, is nowhere near sufficient. good job. Best. Fanfic. EVER! |
Ranger9000 chapter 110 . 1/8/2013 Why it took me reading through this entire story a good dozen times to finally write a review I don't know. Maybe it's cause I saw that comment from Greg just a few reviews ago. Please don't stop writing this, Nobody Dies is one of my favorite stories ever. Sure it got confusing at points and sometimes things were a bit off, but the sheer amount of awsome and great story lines made up for it. And to be honest I was actually hoping you would pull something like what you did as the dream came towards its end (it might have just been me but I also expected it cause I thought I saw foreshadowing for a good few chapters before it happened) To me the story right before the dream collapsed was if anything going downhill, everything was just going completely insane and I was starting to wonder what was happening to half the characters minds. The last few chapters have been good to great though and I continue to wait to see how it ends. So please, I beg you, don't stop writing this now just cause people don't like things changing for the better! |
cryptozthunderlord chapter 6 . 1/6/2013 "Rei made a friend." "Oh dear Lord," Yui says, rubbing the bridge of her nose, "How?" "Blackmail, intimidation, and surprise." "Her parents must be so proud." The inquisition had a child? |
DoomKnight1of24 chapter 110 . 1/6/2013 Alright. I read your story. Where is my cake? Seriously, you almost managed to spawn a completely different... I find that words are failing me. I have lost count of how many franchises you shamelessly have thrown into the maw of this story, and how often I just wanted to throw my computer across the room and scream, but I can safely say this: you have given birth to something so vast and unholy and beyond our comprehension that no new kind of Angel you could possibly think up could top this. There is only really one thing left to say: Marry me. It's alright, I don't care if you are a guy, I can deal with that. Hey, where are you going? Don't leave. YOU CAN'T STAND IN THE WAY OF OUR LOVE! |
The reason of zero reason chapter 8 . 1/4/2013 ...Rei just Falcon Punched an Angel to death. What is this? |
Guest chapter 110 . 1/3/2013 I absolutely love this story, and hope you continue it. Nobody Dies is, without a doubt, one of the best fics out there: I've read it two or three times now, and likely will do so again. I eagerly await any future chapters that you may write. |