Reviews for NGE: Nobody Dies |
C-Spider31 chapter 16 . 1/2/2013 This is awesome. Shinji vs. Adam. Totally epic. Another great chapter, if it needs to be said. |
C-Spider31 chapter 15 . 1/2/2013 ...Whoa. That ending was intense. How are the pilots going to fight Adam? Anyway, great chapter, great story so far. I think this is one of the best Evangelion stories out there. Keep up the awesome work. |
Guest chapter 46 . 12/29/2012 ADAM-damnit, man. How the hell am I supposed to keep track of all the cross-universe-shmabowsers you are throwing around there? Is ANYONE supposed to be able to not lose their shit reading this? Seriously, I don't even know what's going on anymore! Who is where, and where do they originally come from, and where do they go afterwards?! I like this story, I really do. I think it's great, easily one of the best fanworks out there. But THIS?! I'm breaking my mind trying to keep track of this whole thing. |
RandomNumbers523156 chapter 2 . 12/29/2012 If every single review keeps insisting that the character development was undone it's because the magnitude of the events of the chapter 102 was big enough to make this a possible interpretation. The fact that the entire season was a dream didn't undone, but it clearly changes many things but this isn't the main point; if there was so much controversy, why not make a recap with the cast analyzing the dream and trying to understand what the dream meant to them and how knowing that it was a dream changed them, or simply put an author note and the end of a chapter to explain. I actually went to the forum at that time and, at that time, you put the explanations and answered the doubts, so there was no problem with me, I knew you'd pull something, because you explained; but do you know how many readers would go there, or even how many of readers in this site know that there's a thread in which the word of god can talk, openly, instead of PM exchange? Not to mention that the thread where you answered those questionings is probably somewhere in the archive sea and new forum goers will place the same questionings, but the point is that if you wanted to avoid so much questioning, did it cost much to write a recap or place an author's note, or even invite the reader to get the answers at the forum? |
Gregg Landsman chapter 110 . 12/22/2012 Well, none of the character development was actually undone, as they remembered everything that happened in the dream. But, since every. single. review. insists that I actually did undo every single bit of development, I see no reason to argue. Or write more. |
Zakeraz chapter 110 . 12/22/2012 Some of the more abstract scenes get a little hard to follow, especially in the last few chapters but for the most part, these were quite good. So is all of the character development during the dream undone except for Shinji, Kaworu, and Uri? That's rather disappointing. |
Zakeraz chapter 108 . 12/22/2012 That was a beautiful poem at the end. On an unrelated note, what happened to those two kids from Alaska? The boy disappeared after the battle with Zeruel and the girl before that. |
Zakeraz chapter 78 . 12/17/2012 You seem to have a thing for head butting as it seems like there's one and a half head butts per fight scene. Speaking of fight scenes, the descriptions of some of the fights are hard to follow, particularly those involving the Evas. Also, what's with the way Arael speaks? I figured out how to understand her speech but why is it structured that way? |
Zakeraz chapter 58 . 12/15/2012 Hahaha, I always love it when a GLaDOS expy finds her way into a story. But really, Nervia is only two letters away from Narnai, so why haven't we seen a shout out to that yet? |
Zakeraz chapter 57 . 12/15/2012 I've been plowing through this series like crazy and now that I'm posting my first review, I'm not sure what to say. The comedy, the drama, the action, all superbly well written. The brief Mass Effect/Dr. Who/Evangelion crossover was absolutely ridiculous and it worked fantastically. Are fans allowed to plug other fics in the review section or is that frowned upon just like soliciting? I ask because there is a well written Dr. Who/Mass Effect crossover that deserves a lot more attention than it's been getting. The grammar errors have been tolerable and don't get in the way of the story much but would the review section be an acceptable place to point out typos? There was a mix up with the use of "to" vs. "to" I spotted in this chapter. "Too" is used in any sentence where it is interchangeable with "also" or when talking about a quantity or the intensity of a quality as it "It was too hot in the theater because there were too many people." I hope that helps. |
Zakeraz chapter 1 . 12/1/2012 So I've heard good things about this story and it sounds like it would be a good read. Problem is I never did get into NGE and I don't know how that's going to impact my opinion of this or my understanding of the plot or who some of these characters are. So can a reader who's new to NGE still enjoy this? |
Guest chapter 110 . 11/25/2012 What. The Fuck. |
UltimateGrr chapter 110 . 11/5/2012 Interesting doesn't even begin to cover this. Hope it gets updated soon. |
UltimateGrr chapter 46 . 11/3/2012 My god am I happy to see the end of all those AUs. Cannon I liked, but crossing with the other fanfictions gave me a headache. Also, proud to note I figured out who Ichi was a full 5 chapters before the reveal. |
omnimon12 chapter 35 . 10/31/2012 Gotta love it when an anime/manga character uses such famous last words. |