Reviews for blossom
GorGirl chapter 2 . 12/16/2024
I can't tell if James is leading her on or truly likes her. His mother is a bitch.
GorGirl chapter 1 . 12/16/2024
I don't trust James.
JaysWorld2 chapter 32 . 4/21/2023
This was such a beautiful story. too bad the epi was never posted, because it would be nice to know how it went for Jasper and Alice, if Bella and Edward had any more kids, or if Ben decided to want to know James at all. Still, this ending wasn't too bad either.
acw1 chapter 32 . 2/14/2023
alexiana75 chapter 19 . 12/30/2021
i love all of it, except Jasper. What is the matter with him?! Beside that, great story, very well written. I can't wait to enjoy the next chapters!
alexiana75 chapter 12 . 12/30/2021
awww. First Edward, then Esme and Carlisle, Rose and Em, and now intriguing but amazing Alice. Only Jasper is missing :)
mariadisales chapter 32 . 12/15/2021
awww I liked it. sim so much fuss and the exact chapters to be good
maru1824 chapter 32 . 6/3/2020
Hermosa historia! Me encanto
Bella se merecía ser feliz con Edward y con ben.
Y me dio mucha lástima james, se dejó manipular por la madre. Y cometió el peor error al firmar los papeles de la renuncia de paternidad.
Edward es tannnn tierno. Me encanta como es con bella,siempre dulce y apoyandola en todas sus decisiones. Hacen una linda familia.
Solo espero que el karma le llegue a renne. Se merece el peor de los finales. Así que por favor conplaceme!
Espero el epi con muchas ansiassss!
frostedglaze chapter 32 . 5/21/2020
Interesting story, but I’m still waiting for the epilogue. I really want Renee to suffer, and go to jail for stealing Bella and Edward’s money. Not to mention Jane. Karma just has to kick them and hard.
frostedglaze chapter 26 . 5/21/2020
Freaking hell! Seriously! They gave Renee money, instead of arresting her for extortion! Jesus, Charlie should know about all these blackmail laws! As for Mrs. Stanley…well a good lawyer can also have her arrested for tampering with the welfare of a minor child.
frostedglaze chapter 19 . 5/21/2020
Hmmm, Does Jasper really want to have kids? Because it looks like Charlotte is the perfect woman for him not Edward. Or if he’s just jealous that Bella has a child and he can’t?
frostedglaze chapter 18 . 5/21/2020
What is wrong with Jasper? What did some girl try to trap him with a kid before he met Alice? Or does he listen to the rumors of the Forks minions?
frostedglaze chapter 10 . 5/21/2020
And now I want Jessica to suffer as well.
frostedglaze chapter 7 . 5/21/2020
Oh bleep, did Jane give Renee money meant for Bella? I hope Renee doesn’t keep the money.
frostedglaze chapter 5 . 5/21/2020
Okay, I hope Jane has her comeuppance too, and add Tia to that list. I hope all of this comes out when Marcus runs for office.
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