Reviews for Change the Lines Wizards of Waverly Version
norahenrie chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
Alex: Hey! Hey! Hey! If you want me to strip I'm going need a martini and at least 50 dollars cash!

Justin: You got any money on you?

hahaha, loved this.
shyesplease chapter 5 . 4/12/2011
haha! XD Seriously! You need to update this soon!
stephy9191 chapter 2 . 8/26/2010


Alex: Ok!

Justin: Fine!


Chad: I feel like I've heard this somewhere else before...


Harper: Heeey olive! Wow what an ironic name for a African American.

Li: Well disney was kinda racist.

Great job,

I could not stop laughing, that shit's just funny...
1xlottiex1 youtube chapter 5 . 8/26/2010
whats with the pedobear i keep gettin the image of brian from family guy mixed with the old guy...
Fuck Biscuit chapter 5 . 8/26/2010
Yeah, "Max" was downloading too much porn. Ar, that's probably going to bleep out, but whatever.

Thanks so much for updating! *Hugs* It gave me my morning laugh. Favorite:

Alex: I gotta admit it sounds interesting.

Li: Yes like incest sounds interesting but you don't actually do it!

Justin/Alex: You don't?

You make Jalex HILARIOUS!
Baku babe chapter 5 . 8/25/2010
Hmmm I gotta admit not your best but it made me giggle LOL

BTW, why didn't you use Stevie's name and wrote "girl" instead?

I actually liked Stevie, her idea was awesome. (loved the let's-break-Stevie-into-a-billion-pieces-and-not-call-it-death part btw)

And last - DELINQUENT JUSTIN PLEASE! ("my present is not technically something that can be wrapped", "secrets are for people who have something to hide", "do you want this lollipop or not?", "you guys are hilarious, just say you love each other." - one of the best Jalex eps EVER!)
Fuck Biscuit chapter 4 . 8/15/2010
Okay, top one was the funniest! And I was totally planning to collab on an Italian Buckaroo lemon (Jeresa, duh) with my friend... But then I realized some people know who I am... Then I changed my mind... Anyway, HILARIOUS! I hope you write more!
Fuck Biscuit chapter 3 . 8/15/2010
Are you still updating this? You're my hero at the moment, so you better be! *Mumbles about Jalex*
Fuck Biscuit chapter 2 . 8/15/2010
The last one on this chapter was the best! Seriously, my family thinks I'm nut 'cause I'm laughing so hard!
Fuck Biscuit chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
Frackin amazing! Luv luv luv! Yeah, I'm in a major parody mood right now, and this is the best thin I've ever read IN MY LIFE! More more more, please!
Baku babe chapter 4 . 3/4/2010
I'm in LOVE with this, especially no. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Sandalaris chapter 3 . 2/16/2010
This is awesome. Can't wait for more. XD
Baku babe chapter 3 . 2/7/2010
Dude! This was AWESOME! I ESPECIALLY liked those two:

Alex: Look I'm half asleep so my lies aren't really good right now.

Harper: Really? What did you really do with Justin when you had that "tickle fight"?

Alex: Absolutely nothing sexual.

Harper: I'm calling a social worker...


Jerry: Uh a sixteen year old girl with three weeks of training is going to win a marathon. That seem weird to you?

Alex: A sixteen year old girl with more hugs with her brother then with her boyfriend. That seem weird to you?

The last one was great too LOL
Ultrasaurus chapter 2 . 2/6/2010
iLike. Very humorous.
Baku babe chapter 2 . 1/23/2010
*giggle* LOL that's pretty funny and totally looks likes things thed would say. Nice job!
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