Reviews for It was Tuesday
LostDonut chapter 3 . 1/11/2010
The lollipop thing was cute XD

I thought that Arthur is going to unconsciously eat it or something XD
toluene chapter 3 . 1/11/2010
Nice, from Alfred's pov this time. Who knew he'd be so attracted to that grumpy Mr. Kirkland xD

I think this is an amazing AU so far! Love how you write. Can't wait for the next chapter :)
twelveoclock chapter 3 . 1/11/2010
So cute! So Alfred finally relises, huh?
Alley of the Labyrinth chapter 3 . 1/11/2010
This is SO CUTE! I can't wait for the next part/chapter!
SamuraiKat67 chapter 2 . 1/10/2010
Oh, God I love this! XD

England as a CEO? Priceless. XD
Houdeanie Beanie chapter 2 . 1/5/2010
This was so much fun to read! I like how you incorporate other work life so Arthur's drama doesn't monopolize the story. (Not that I'd mind though.) And the end just made me laugh! Gilbert, who knows what he does, but he is of course awesome at it. XD Can't wait to see how this develops! *bookmarks*
CarbonBlack chapter 2 . 1/5/2010

I really like this story so far. The characterization is perfect. It thrills me. 3 The writing is good too, and I really like your well-versed vocabulary.

I've gotta watch this story. I hope to be able to read more soon. ;3
Guppyvis chapter 2 . 1/5/2010
Like it? I loved it! It's totally awesome! x3

Arthur must be a boss from hell.. xD

I loved the X-ray vision part from chapter one. Way to go ALfred ;D
Amatsurin chapter 2 . 1/5/2010
Aha, I am really loving how this story is going. I'm extremely happy that you updated it so quickly too.

So, um... would it be too evil and/or pathetic of me to hope that Ivan is Lia Indstries CEO and he wants Iggy's annoying but all-too-capable secretary? )

Looking forward to the next chapter!
Ying-Darkness chapter 2 . 1/4/2010
Honestly, I was not expecting to like this story too much but I love it! It's so fun and different!
Nagihachan chapter 2 . 1/4/2010
Hur hur, Prussia appeared~ and he thought that Feliks is a girl...?

Iggy's reaction was so priceless when he drank the coffee~ xD

Keep it up D
CrypticButterfly chapter 2 . 1/4/2010
Lol, great story so far! Ah, I'm loving how Arthur's dealing with the annoying American. Can't wait to see more! Love! ~Cryptic
Angel chapter 2 . 1/4/2010
Oh, you have no idea how much I enjoyed reding this after a rater tiering day~ Keep up the wonderful work ;D
Amatsurin chapter 1 . 1/3/2010
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
So awesome! Keep up the awsome work! Goodness, I feel like Prussia saying awesome. Lol! Anyways, keep it up~!
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