Reviews for Episode
Guest chapter 54 . 2/4
Asshole and his step sister fixation
MsLiss chapter 2 . 12/13/2024
Co writer?
Don’t fall for that Bella
snoopylover60 chapter 16 . 12/7/2024
Is Edward 14?1
Cause why else would he let Rose be such a bitch to him?
Seriously, f-her
He needs to man up... him and Bella both
TwiFanfictionRecs chapter 1 . 12/6/2024
Episode has been added to the Featured Fics Library on www . twifanfictionrecs . com
JD Thorn chapter 54 . 11/23/2024
Absolutely wonderful ending to a wonderful story. I’ll re-read this again sometime probably within a year or 2. I hope it doesn’t disappear.
JD Thorn chapter 50 . 11/22/2024
He should buy the house in Forks for her and for them to live in when they are NOT traveling for his work!
JD Thorn chapter 49 . 11/22/2024
Well, talk about an Episode - i’d say that was one!
JD Thorn chapter 48 . 11/22/2024
Rose BETTER get in trouble for this. She is a spoiled rotten BRAT! She needs some consequences for this behavior. She is selfish and demanding and obviously oblivious to anyone but herself. He probably got hurt making sure she didn’t.
JD Thorn chapter 46 . 11/21/2024
OH Thank God!
JD Thorn chapter 45 . 11/21/2024
I know it’s unnecessary but I want Edward to fight for her . Make her see his undying love. I didn’t realize how insecure he was cause he was always so confident with Bella.
JD Thorn chapter 44 . 11/21/2024
The shit has OFFICIALLY hit the fan! Riley is in da house! I feel really bad for Riley that he is still in love with Bella, but he made his bed and now he’s gonna lay in the shit that he spread all over it! I really hope she DOES tell him to Fuck off, like she told Kate that she would. I hope she is strong enough to resist anything more than a very public conversation with him. Edward doesn’t deserve any less than that.
JD Thorn chapter 43 . 11/21/2024
We probably shouldn’t forget that Riley is off in the distance somewhere and is going. To try to visit her in the hotel. Maybe she’ll be at the B & B though? Will they stay there for a few weeks? I certainly hope so with Riley lurking about. I hope Edward doesn’t have to see him either. Not sure if that will go very well.
JD Thorn chapter 42 . 11/21/2024
Ruh Roh! He is certainly NOT going to like what he finds there!
JD Thorn chapter 40 . 11/21/2024
Well fuckin’ FINALLY! It’s about fuckin’ time they actually TALKED! How unbelievably hard-headed these two are! But I tell you what - They’re two peas in a pod that’s for sure! That was a seriously SLLLLOOOOWWWW burn. 40 chapters in out of 55 chapters and they’re just now starting to communicate. I was literally ripping my hair out. Getting them to talk to each other is pulling fucking teeth! Now they can consummate their relationship with no worries about all the junk they were worried about. On with the show. Reading on…
JD Thorn chapter 39 . 11/21/2024
Well if proclaiming his love for her in public on stage isn’t enough for her then I just don’t know what will convince her. She is way too insecure. HE IS NOT RILEY and he NEVER will be! He didn’t say he COULDN”T live without her he said he WOULDN”T live without her. And Riley is a gutless, spineless, cheating maggot turd and Edward will never be like him! Of course the scumbag paps will write in their rag mags that he loves a 17 year old child instead of trying to get the truth, but he wouldn’t and shouldn’t tell them anyway. Kate also had the same idea I had! Lock them up together in a room and LOSE THE KEY until they actually TALK TO EACH OTHER! I hope she listens to him and I hope he listens to her and realizes her severe insecurities. He needs to understand them, and he also needs to explain to her his future plans for them. We know he is thinking in terms of forever and SHE doesn’t know that, but she NEEDS to. She also needs to know that he plans on telling the world about her as soon as he is legally able to and she needs to prepare for that in regards to the paps and rag mags. Ok I’ve vented, Reading on…
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