Reviews for People like us
12 year old girl chapter 10 . 7/14/2024
I’m 12 years old and am reading smut.
Well, there goes my childhood and innocent mind.

Guest chapter 48 . 11/13/2023
I’m done
Guest chapter 47 . 11/13/2023
I want to fuck up cullen so bad! How could he just leave her! To me Rick was a total asshole but you could have as least fucking told her!
Guest chapter 36 . 11/9/2023
Anytime she says anything about his feet my mind always says “What’s with you and the damn FEET!
Guest chapter 12 . 10/12/2023
I could not stop laughing at how drunk the girls were
I mean climbing through the sun roof!?
kiwigirl1711 chapter 64 . 5/2/2023
Is there a out-takes of the families pov of getting the news about Edward and Jasper
henkaiminie chapter 17 . 12/3/2022
In need of heavy editing. I understand that once upon a time writing fanfics as if messaging or tweeting was the thing but after some time it lessens the quality of your work.
Your plot was intriguing and exciting at first but as I was reading it writing technique started to distract me. I found myself doing other things.
Also Bella may be a new to BDSM life style but Edward was trained both as D and S (I remember it being like that) but his sessions with Bella shows that he is way too underexperienced than what we've been told. He only f*cks and gives her aftercare like basic neccessities and calls it a day. It's like dysfunctional parents putting a roof over your head and feeding and clothing you and calling it best parenting.
WordsMusicMagic chapter 81 . 8/19/2022
Wow! Great story! I can't believe I didn't get bored with how long this fic is. I guess it was just THAT good! As an American, I struggled a little with some of the difference in verbiage and spelling but eventually got the hang of it.

I love that you stayed true to these characters. You really brought them alive with depth and emotion. Loved that you continued to follow the D/s story line and not let it fizzle like other stories often do.

Thanks for sharing such a tremendous and enormous story with the community. xxoo
Patriciadiane chapter 1 . 5/26/2022
Heck of a start
Ama VG chapter 81 . 4/30/2022
I enjoyed your story very much. The love between the characters feels real. Thank you
Twilightlovebug chapter 81 . 3/8/2022
I loved this story so fucking much ! Great ! Soooooooo great !
BethMasenCullen chapter 8 . 1/23/2022
That was intense!
BethMasenCullen chapter 7 . 1/22/2022
I love that they are connectingI hope this is the start to a great relationship!
BethMasenCullen chapter 5 . 1/22/2022
I love that they are opening up to each other!
debb lavoie chapter 81 . 1/14/2022
Omg, this story. I laughed, out loud, I cried. I ranted and raged. That is the mark of a good writer, you elicit emotions. Thank you!
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