Reviews for XSGCOM: Terra from the Deep
Guest chapter 19 . 10/17/2024
Too bad this is unfinished.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/11/2024
I don't get why they don't just move the city onto land.
If they have a few weeks of energy, they ought to be able to find the control room and lift the city in that time.

And they know this is a flying city.
Ecomadness chapter 19 . 2/12/2024
i love this story so much i hope you continue it some day
ItzJoe chapter 3 . 12/18/2023
i cant read this anymore, earth is contantly getting shafted, its actually starting to piss me off somewhat, i understand your trying to make it about humanity as a whole but fuck off with ya constant giving everything to others or having earth treated with kiddie gloves by the most idiotic advanced group humans ever in the fucking tollan, no thanks
ItzJoe chapter 2 . 12/18/2023
All Hail Empress Weir! hahaha
dmccoy16 chapter 19 . 12/7/2023
god, good stories like these are so rare, ik you probably abandoned it but i still want you to know I LOVE IT!
I stand chapter 5 . 1/4/2023
firmly behind the idea of the Trust, aka O-Sarah’s groupies (a plot-hole here) should be EXALT.
Using NID and Low-key (the rogue Asg) resources, it makes sense!
Once more chapter 4 . 1/4/2023
I prefer Seraphin2011’s explanations and tying up of loose ends of lore.
One example, being the Wraith were of the “Lanteans” who went too far, and unintentionally, at first, became a horrific vampiric hybrid group.
I suddenly chapter 3 . 1/4/2023
Feel as though the Tollan could equate to, or even BE, Starfleet from Trek..
And this chapter 3 . 1/4/2023
Is where the start for
Stargate Atlantis: The Robotech War
by StrikeFreedom11 would begin to go into play!
I’m sure that the XCOM peeps would be conflicted between overzealous excitement and discontent over another rather independent transnational military alliance/ nation-union being born out of another of their military ventures. Hehehehe
Mwahahaha chapter 3 . 1/4/2023
Ze time isz now!
Let the Weir March!
Let her feel ze burden of leading!
I superimpose chapter 1 . 1/4/2023
Chapter 2 of The Guardian’s Order onto this!
nfall chapter 19 . 11/16/2022
Was rewatching some stargate and playing some xcom chimera squad, and thought to myself it's been a long while since i re-read this.
it's still excellent and now i'm sad as it's abandoned .

but it's still one of the best examples of HFY trope, but at least the deathworlders are still going ( highly recommend )
dumovac chapter 19 . 10/28/2022
this is one of the best stories a i have ever read on fanfoction.
shame it was abandoned.
please continue.
ZhaWarudo chapter 12 . 9/30/2022
Annubis backed Baal after he betrayed him? I doubt his ego and pride could take it.
Why didn't avengers simply bomb Baal's infrantry, since they can't be caught?
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