Reviews for Cold November Rain |
![]() ![]() ![]() Wow. Love the story. I knew what GrĂ¼n before the foot note since I make characters but haven't done stories. I made a team with the same name. Hope the team isn't the same as mine, since there not with Kritiker & there codenames are green gems/stones and not cats. Going on to the next chapter can't wait to read. |
![]() ![]() ![]() lovr it where can i find Romantic Resolutions since this is before that? |
![]() ![]() ![]() It took me exactly two days to finish this awesome story! I gotta say, it's one of the best wk fics I've ever read and definently the longest! wow, 62 chappies! I loved it! The suspense of Ken's life-death situation, the whole time I was holding my breath and sitting at the edge of my seat hoping that Ken would not die! when he finally awoke, I almost cried with relief! *sniff* this story made me so . The only thing that upsets me about this story is that you kinda left the Aya/Yohji relationship out in the cold but other than that this story was awesome! Oh and I LOVED the romantic scenes between Omi and Nagi. *kawai*_ |
![]() ![]() ![]() I like this story! (Though it's taking me forever to read and I'm going to go crazy before long) I'm not sure if I should be happy or upset that no one's dying. I guess I want all the bishies to live because I love them so much, but killing someone would make it so much more angsty and that's what the fic's about...Whatever. Anyway, keep writing because you're really good at it! Oh, and update Neutural Territory soon please! |
![]() ![]() ![]() honestly, i've reaD this twice... and i still wanna know what happened next... pls do enlightened me if book 2 is being released... i've been following all your stories... i do hope book 2 comes out soon.. also, i am waiting for new updates on neutral territory. enjoy all your ficcies... do update or better still more new work! onegai~ |
![]() ![]() ![]() That was AWESOME! One of the best Weiss Kreuz fics out there I think... Defnitely the longest one I've read too. O_o Never thought I'd say that after reading so many. Anyways, great job! I'll be sure to check out more of your work soon! Keep up the great work. _~ |
![]() ![]() ![]() o my god... i finished... THIS WAS GREAT! and i hate to sound pushy... but will the next book be out soon? -prays- |
![]() ![]() ![]() -dies- foreshadowing! foreshadowing! I'm only in chapter 53.. but i can't take it anymore! i've been reading this for a couple days now.. and i'm getting yelled at for being on hte computer so late just to read! will either Redirecting Destiny or Romantic Resolutions be out by the time i'm finished? or am i a baka.. and one is already out? -goes off to check E-samas stories- well.. maybe i should finish reading first huh? |
![]() ![]() ![]() .God. I have to tell you, as I've stated on the saiyuki yaoi ml that I got into yaoi thanks to you and I worship your writting. Now that I 've just gotten in weiss kreuz, I asked my friends for good fics to read and Hi-chan said I should read this one. As soon as I saw your name on it I went : oh gods, this is gonna be /good/! I just read the 5 first chapters yesterday and I'm utterly in love with this fic. I'm now printing out the 5 next chapters to read comfortably snuggled in a blanket, drinking tea of something. Because it's too good to read before a screen, I want to enjoy it to the max. Yeah, I'm fangushing right now, but I can't help it : I adore your work. *worships* I have a lot of catching up to do on your fics, but you can be sure I'm gonna read every single one of them! *shumea* |
![]() ![]() ![]() 2-5 ; Me's back! Saa, I got time off to read today! AA, the hospital most related to Kritiker is the Magic Bus Hospital! But that's okay, any hospital's fine. Poor KenKen, getting hurt like this isn't fun! But all the same, you really wrote the scene well - could feel the panic and anguish of the situation. And the pain in the blame fest! Brawling over things to get blame on oneself... Why haven't we all thought of that? Yeah, I guess the most realistic part was the aftermath of the blotched mission. Usually they'd bomb the place down, but I guess they had to run this time. Poor things. ;_; But what I liked most was Schuldig and Bradley playing papa and mama! You make Schwarz sound like a family, it's really good. :D Most of us simply write Schwarz off as teammates, or a really dysfunctional set. ; What a long review! Oh well... Anyway, I wish you good luck again! You really wrote an epic here! |
![]() ![]() ![]() I've been recommended to read your fics, and thank gott I did. Okay, so... I may be a little tied up, but hey, nothing beats being at home after a grueling week of assignments just to read lemonades! XD Saa, to the review! One thing I note in fics is the grammar, you have perfect tenses and grammar, something in which I lack and for that I really admire your style for. 0_o It's realistic, the way you kept them in character, except for the cussing on Omi's side, but even that was... ebbil! XD On the plus side, there's a glossary on words, notes at full, and whoa! Special thanks included. Amazing. I'm taking notes! Because you're a fanboy too! I'll review more as I go along, if it bothers you or I'm acting stupid, just drop me a line and stop me. Please! I'm known to be annoying whether or not I know it. Well, all the best in writing more stuff! XD I see that you can still write and watch anime even as a father, and I plan to see to it too! Having kids is cool! 0_0 Sorry for rambling! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yowsa yowsa yowsa! I read this during 's long hiatus, and only just realized that I hadn't been able to write a review then. Think it took me most of the hiatus to read, too...this is one massive story! Is worth the read, though, has some beautiful stuff. Lessee, specifics. Like the OCs and I don't say that often, but they're nicely drawn without taking up too much space. Calico will be delicious fun ('xactly what did he do to Yohji?) and Norwegian's team is sweet - Korat is a delicious bishounen! As for the main chars...ahhh, threesome action! Yes! YxAxK is marvelous and the Weiss-world needs more of it (even if the acronym it makes is, um...unfortunate...) You need to write the continuation of this series if only for full resolution and recogntion of love between all three. Omi and Nagi are adorable indeed. And love your Schwarz...dysfunctional family indeed! Looking forward to "Crawford's Dilemma", found your depiction of the Crawford-Nagi dynamic touching if tragic in their miscommunication. Also would like to see a bit more CrawfordxSchuldich (What can I say, number me among Schu-schu's scary fans!) Details, details...the little things in your story were some of the best parts. Loved the way Schuldich 'tasted' people - marvelous depiction of psychic power, that. Yohji and Aya deciding to forgo the physical stuff until Ken could join them was a wonderful touch. And everyone's worries about Yohji's smoking is well-placed...I worry 'bout how many of my bishounen are nicotine addicts (actually I worry even more about the seiyuu who threaten to so damage their gorgeous voices, but...) In conclusion (*ahem*) this story totally deserves its place as one of the definitive Weiss epics, and I can't wait to see more of it! Your end remarks are quite comforting - I love my angst, but I love my bishies too and would rather they didn't die without warning...with that comfort, I can't wait to see what Crawford's visions really mean, what fate Calico will meet and who will first fall before his evil, how Omi/Nagi and YAK's (yes, most unfortunate...perhaps "KAY" would be better? or AYK?) relationships continue, when Schwarz will discover OxN and what will they do when they do (looking forward to that!) Lots of chocolate to you and your muses, enjoy what you're writing now (I haven't seen Saiyuki or I'd be on that story like Aya on a Takatori) but hope your muses will soon return to this! |
![]() ![]() promised, dear E-sama, I'm here to praise the sweetness of the ending here. During the scene where Nagi is mentally stirring sweetener into his drink, Ken's comments reminded me of a pic of Seki-san that my chibi, Nuriko, found in her searches for luscious seiyuu pics... It had Seki-san standing in the edge of the surf at the beach, holding a spoon at arm's length to the sky. We've captioned it "The Spoon of Justice" (sorry, Wuffie, others like Justice, too). Anyway...after all the pain is said and done, at least temporarily, the nice little sweet endings are good to have. Of course, all of the fun your muses had in helping you get to the sweet ending was well worth it as well. So, as always, keep it up...we'll be here to provide the support (or to help with the cleanup afterward). Ready for the next one, heh heh... |
![]() ![]() ![]() {the llama rushes in, happily tossing Pocky bouquets to all the wonderful reviewers and readers before proclaiming excitedly} Sugoi! There's now a full *500* simply fabulous reviews here at for "Cold November Rain"! I can barely believe my good fortune that the wonderful people who read this fic have also taken the time to review it so kindly! My muses and I thank you from the bottom of our angst-loving hearts! {bows deeply, truly grateful and a little teary-eyed as he realizes there's so much more to come!} I apologize for the slight delay in my return to this continuity, but my dear friend Yanagi-sen had a birthday which I wished to honor with a substantial gift first. As per her choice and my own preference, I've been happily transported into the world of "Earthian" and my first fic for that marvelous series, "Turning Point", is currently being released. For those who might be interested, it's a three-way romance *with* lemon involving Chihaya, Kagetsuya, and Messiah and is available here at for your enjoyment. After that is done, I intend to complete the partially written drafts of "A Brother's Sorrow" as well as the three-way lemon "Ken's Dream" which has one full Part written but I am currently awaiting feedback on it from Priscilla, the darling person to whom it is dedicated. Following those will be "Crawford's Dilemma" then the rewrite of "Romantic Resolutions" and that terribly scary three-way angsty-lemon "Scars". Thank you again for letting me entertain you and please know that new reviews left for this story will only encourage my muses to work harder in their efforts to entertain you! And as "Power Failure"-the next truly huge Enigma Angst Epic-looms on the horizon, any and all support will be greatly appreciated! Melpomene has big plans and poor Nagi and Omi are faced with being at the center of the maelstrom that is about to hit, so keep reviewing not only this fic but the associated new ones and with a bit of luck we'll all have something new to follow over the summer months! Arigatou! ~~~E-sama the Llama~~~ (who is one heck of a lucky guy to even be able to post this "review" that is really a "thank you"!) |
![]() ![]() ![]() *shiny eyes of joy* Sugoi! That was probably the best fic I've read in months, well worth the half-day I spent reading it. *grins* I await whatever fabulousness your muses decide to sprinkly upon the world next. *hugs* Great job! |