Reviews for Vahklas |
Rishtalak chapter 1 . 2/21/2010 Hmm, this looks to be quite interesting! Any reason you chose the name Malcolm for the baby? I'm sure Reed would appreciate the gesture, but I kind of liked the name Lorian. |
TheNaggingCube chapter 1 . 1/11/2010 *sigh* love married TnT. Oh this is going to be an interesting story. Love the setup, can't wait to see where it is going. MORE soon please. |
aurlia chapter 1 . 1/10/2010 i don't agree on one point on one episode t'pol did say that she didn't experienced pon farr before and with the difference in specie and life spend it's possible that her mating cycle didn't start yet |
LadyRainbow chapter 1 . 1/10/2010 I like Anna Hess's brother! :-) I'm glad the issue between T'Pol and Tolaris is being addressed. What he did to her significantly changed her life (in more ways than one) and the series never really resolved the deal between those two (other than his giving her Pa'anar syndrome...) As for the pon farr thing: I agree with the supposition that females also go through it, but they go through it differently from the males. As for Trip being her first...she seduced him, not the other way around, so... The way I interpreted it, T'Pol realized that her night w/Trip ("Harbinger") was different in some way, though she wasn't exactly sure HOW at the time, and THAT was what freaked her out the morning after. It was until later that she found out how that encounter bound them together. Anyway, looking forward to more chapters, BnB! :-) |
fullhans1 chapter 1 . 1/9/2010 Nice story. |
Willowbeone chapter 1 . 1/8/2010 if i remember correctly meditation can be used to get throught pon farr and i like to think its possible/proable that tpol used meditation to get through ponfarr and that Yes Trip was her first. just my opinon. thanks for your efforts |
Asso chapter 1 . 1/8/2010 Hey, Bluenblack! My friend, I didn't want to disregard your reasonnings! It's obvious that for me, for the person I am, it is preferable another way in regard to this sort of issue, and I simply wanted to say that, probably also because I have to deal every day with the battle between science and heart, I tend to prefer the heart's reasons every time I am allowed to do it. But this feeling from me doesn't mean that you don't have the whole right to think and to write the way you believe you have to do. And then... well!... Forgive me... maybe my personal T'Pol is slightly different from the one you have in your mind, but with regard to her feelings - her love - for Trip, there are no differences. And, in the end, that's what really counts. |
Bluenblack chapter 1 . 1/8/2010 Thanks everyone for the comments. It helps motivate me to keep going with this one. SavannaSarah & A. Windsor - Thanks! SaddenedMonkey - I figured I would get this reaction from some people. Thank you for at least reading it. :) I guess maybe we can live and let live on this? The way I look at it, just because the onscreen writers have no self-respect when it comes to scientific plausibility is no excuse for me to throw my common sense down the toilet. But that's just my opinion. Other people's mileage may vary. DinahD - Considering the age of the Vahklas, (as described by T'Pol onscreen) and the lousy condition it was in when the flagged ENT down for repairs, I figured the ship's days were numbered. Remember it has been a few years since they met ENT last time. With all the changes back home, the ship falling apart, and crew members leaving and dying they just decided to pack it in. After all, many of the the reasons they left in the first place no longer apply. They aren't criminals anymore just for being melders. Asso / pdsldl - It breaks my heart to disappoint or disagree with you both. It really does. But canon going back to TOS leads me inexorably to the conclusion that Vulcans mature and age approximately half as fast as we do. Which means they would hit puberty at about the mid to late twenties. If, for example, T'Pol hit puberty and her first Pon Farr at 28 (equivalent to 14 for a Human), then her second would have been at 35, third at 42, fourth at 49, fifth at 56, sixth at 63. Her next Pon Farr would not have been due until she was 70, which would explain why she told Phlox that "it wasn't time" when he asked her about it after she caught that virus. So what about Koss? Maybe that's why his family was getting so antsy. maybe she kept putting him off and forcing him to visit a priestess while she continued with her career, until his family got so disgusted that they sent that letter in Breaking The Ice. Or maybe something else. No way to know. But there is nothing in canon to refute the idea that she had gone through previous Pon Farr episodes, and much in canon to support it. And despite what some people wish, nowhere in any episode does it state that ONLY males go through Pon Farr. ST canon frequently mentions males going through Pon Farr. But it just doesn't talk about females at all. Except once, when Kov tells Trip something to the effect that his people are inhibited about discussing such things. So maybe they just think it would be scandalous to talk about female Pon Farr. Vulcans have some weird attitudes about their women anyway. |
Savana1 chapter 1 . 1/7/2010 I read Hess & Kov and I just love that you are continuing it with the focus on the Vahklas crew! I love these Vulcans and wanted to know more about them when I first saw the episode. I can't wait for more well I can just not very patiently! :) |
SaddenedMonkey chapter 1 . 1/7/2010 Re: Female PF. It's Star Trek. Nine times out of ten, the science they put forth makes zero sense. You are trying to apply real world logic to something that clearly uses the laws of Drama instead of the laws of Nature. Point of fact: an alien with copper-based blood that evolved on a high-gravity, low-oxygen content, very bright planet is going to look absolutely nothing like a Vulcan. Period. Hence, there's every reason to buy that female PF is a fanon myth and the cycle is only male. Apart from "Bounty" (which is itself rather open-ended), all incarnations of Trek canon has specifically stated that PF is male only ... and Trek canon trumps common sense and real world science every day. Re: T'Pol having previous sexual partners. Uh ... yeah. Did you actually SEE how she acted on the show after sleeping with Trip? She freaked out, exactly like an inexperienced virginal individual raised in an almost repressive, Victorian type of culture. So I don't buy her having much experience in that regard and tend to agree with something Rigil Kent said once about it having made more sense dramatically if they had made her a widow instead of what they did. Re: Tolaris. Skin him, fry him, cook him up in a stew. |
DinahD chapter 1 . 1/7/2010 I'm glad someone is finally addressing the lingering shadow that Tolaris still poses in Trip and T'Pol's lives. The union of Kov and Anna appears to be off to a good start, and Anna's brother is obviously going to fit right in with the Tucker family. I'm a little uncertain as to why the journey of the V'Tosh Katur had to come to an end. Did they make an effort to try to obtain another ship or did they simply no longer have the resources to continue? I think it's interesting that these people who decided to drop out of society are now struggling to find ways to drop back in. They're fortunate to have a good friend in Kov. It's also interesting that they seem to want to gravitate toward Humans. They seem almost like children who got pissed at their parents and decided to run away from home. The idealized vision of living in an emotional Human world and the reality of it are two very different things. I wonder if any of these people are really prepared for the challenges they would have to face. I also wonder if they are aware of their common ancestry with the Romulans; they're apparently patterning themselves, consciously or unconsciously, after their distant cousins. It goes without saying that I'm looking forward to the next chapter. You sure do know how to spin a tale. |
pdsldl chapter 1 . 1/7/2010 I agree with your logic about Pon Farr up until the part where T'Pol has gone through it many times before. In Bounty when Phlox asks her if she's gone through this before she says "it's not time", which says to me that she hasn't. Seeings as Vulcans live so much longer it makes sense that their pubescent years come later in life. I have no problem with Trip not being her first sexual partner though, as I'm sure you know some will. Looking for forward to Trip and Tolaris meeting and seeing both reactions, especially Tolaris now that T'Pol is mated to Trip. |
A. Windsor chapter 1 . 1/7/2010 Yay more! This is so great. I'm pretty neutral on the argument, so I won't complain! Can't wait for more. T'Lissa is adorable. |
Asso chapter 1 . 1/7/2010 It's shame, a pity, that you are so "scientific". It's a living wound into my romantic heart that you were able to think Trip didn't be the "First" for T'Pol, and you know (in spite of my own profession, or maybe just because of it) that I'm a little distrustful in regard to any attempt to follow the "Scientific method", regardless of its consequences. But this doesn't mean that you don't rock! Once again. Yes. It's a joy for me reading your stories. They are so...solid. |