Reviews for Vahklas
Guest chapter 17 . 2/10/2021
I hope that your health is well.

I've sheltered in place almost a full year and have been watching midnight showings of Enterprise Star Trek. I actually like characters and setting earlier exploration than other Star Trek spinoff but thought show needed better writers.
With so much time cooped up inside, I stumbled into fan fiction for first time, then Tpol Trip stories and discovered I like reading better than TV etc..

Thank you for writing your series and I wish you commercial success in your career.

This is first review to ask you to continue series in between your other novels because I selfishly want to read more of your story arc creative inspirations please plus I hope Tpol and Trip gain happiness as lovers beyond being Parents etc, perhaps adopting orphaned granddaughter, Romulus Koss clan unraveling, Colony move and life?
Rainbow Prime chapter 1 . 1/24/2020
Me reading the author's note: 00:03: "Yeah, everything seems to be on the up and up so far..."
00:05: " can't argue about whether or not female Vulcans go through Pon Farr! T'Pol went through Pon Farr! That means that its canon that they do!"
j.santacruz98 chapter 17 . 5/15/2019
Great story read it all within a few hours. It was so good I could not put it down.
shamour chapter 17 . 5/1/2019
Your whole story arc is just amazing, so well thought through, imaginative, surprising and funny at times! It was a pleasure reading your work! I really need to find some sharp objects in magic forests now;-) Could you give me any more hints please?
shadow-saur chapter 17 . 2/6/2017
I feel like this series should be titled "the spies have it (time travel is a bitch). I admire your balance of POVs, and the cultural depth of especially the vulcans. I did spare a thought whether specialized engineers would have such in-depth knowledge of their own ancient history, but it mad for interesting and engaging reading. 9.5/10. Half point deducted for my personal information preference for romantic fluff.
Jei-El chapter 17 . 10/4/2016
Thanks for the tales you crafted so well. The world building you wove around the Cannon Vulcans was exquisite. I will always remember this series fondly.
Jei-El chapter 14 . 10/3/2016
Picks self of floor.

Once the angst of the scene with Hoshi was over the time agents' reaction was priceless. I loved Archer's threat to resign and become a criminal in revenge if they acted against the kids.

Nice balance between the wiped out/survived matter of the generational Enterprise.
Jei-El chapter 4 . 10/2/2016
Yeah humans can be very laid back. But not on the subject of someone who hurt a loved one. This could get interesting.
Turner69 chapter 17 . 2/23/2016
I love the complete story arc. One of the best AU stories so far. Too sad you did not continue it. Thank you for the excellent reading material. All the best for your future.
Transwarp chapter 17 . 12/27/2015
I'm sad it's over, but it's been a heck of a ride! This series is one of my all-time fan fic favs. Thanks for the effort you expended in creating this; it's given me a lot of inspiration and enjoyment.

I wish you the BEST in all your future endeavors.

Now I'm off to Amazon in search of magic forests and sharp objects...
omry.grinberg chapter 17 . 11/21/2015
Too bad it's over, I loved this. And that twist in the end.. I hope Jorin *is* a turncoat. I kinda liked him.. Is that whole clan *Immigrants*, Or traitors?
pdsldl chapter 17 . 9/25/2015
Great series. Glad you finished it. Good luck with your professional writing and I will check out Amazon. Gonna miss your stories of TnT.
trekkifulron chapter 17 . 9/14/2015
Nooooooooooooo! you must write more ENT fanfic! There is another fic needs written and then war to write.
paulc5 chapter 17 . 9/14/2015
Thank you for this wonderful saga.
I hope it has given you as much pleasure to write these stories as it has given many of us to read them.
Many times over.
laura2468 chapter 17 . 9/13/2015
I love your writing style and wish you luck with all your professional work. I am sad that the story is over. The ending was good as it was really un ended which is kinda how life is, with one thing blending into another into another. x
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