Reviews for And Yet They Shine
blb1000 chapter 1 . 2/3/2024
Interesting... Very interesting...
Renee Aubin chapter 1 . 8/25/2021
This story has been on my TBR list forever, and I'm so glad I finally dived into it. Mostly my reaction is "wow"! I haven't been as gripped by a story in a long time - compulsively reading, and really not knowing where it was going. I enjoyed the skillful blend of classic mythology with the Twilight characters, it's like each world illuminated the other a little more. Original and affecting. Beautifully done!

Thanks for sharing, and for leaving it up. I hope you're continuing to write - you have a gift.
i heart clash chapter 25 . 8/24/2021
Hello, reading from Japan and I hope this message finds you well! I love learning about and reading mythology so I enjoyed how you fuse with H & P and how you so delicately humanized Death. Thank you for the lovely lovely read 3
readluv chapter 25 . 3/3/2021
I just want to say that this story is absolutely lovely. You have such a talent with words! Thank you for sharing your creative ideas with us! I’m off to read more of your works! :)
Katcamp chapter 25 . 6/27/2020
Thank you!
Gemm13 chapter 25 . 6/18/2020
sending love and good vibes to sweeten your good days and bad
Gemm13 chapter 21 . 6/17/2020
Reunited at last! Edward is ‘home’
Gemm13 chapter 19 . 6/17/2020
Poor Edward, feeling left behind, but still loving Bella
Gemm13 chapter 16 . 6/17/2020
I hate jasper rn
Gemm13 chapter 13 . 6/17/2020
Oh no! Edward should know dirty tricks are no goood fir winning love
divyvicki chapter 25 . 5/21/2020
Depression is such an insidious disease. I’ve heard from so many creative people that they feel their medication effects their creativity. Good luck dealing with your disease. Someday mental imbalances will be recognized for the illnesses that they are.
divyvicki chapter 24 . 5/21/2020
Great decision!
divyvicki chapter 23 . 5/21/2020
divyvicki chapter 22 . 5/21/2020
Such a sweet reunion!
divyvicki chapter 21 . 5/21/2020
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