Reviews for Brave New World
The TeenageProphetess chapter 1 . 11/17/2017
please update! this is one of the most interesting fanfictions I have read... I also really need to know how it ends...
Megra chapter 22 . 9/25/2017

I don't know if you still even check this... because I know that chances are, this story will never be updated... But I just want you to know that I love what you've done with these characters and this world so so so much. I was desperately hoping as I read this that I wouldn't feel so attached since it hasn't been updated in years but I started it anyway. It was so worth it. Even if I never get to read what happens to your version of Harry and Blaise and these amazing characters that you've put so much thought and effort into, it's still so worth it.

Thank you so much for sharing this with the fandom. I will probably be rereading this for years to come.
Ceriarcher chapter 22 . 8/30/2017
I am sad this hasn't been updated I still have it saved in my alerts in hope. Great story. X
spittingllama7856 chapter 22 . 7/23/2017
Argh! I need the next chapter! Amazingly done. I am in love!
Guest chapter 22 . 7/22/2017
I hate you for not finishing this -_-
SlightlyDerangedVermillion chapter 22 . 7/18/2017
Okay, so, I've been slowly reading your story for about three days and just finished it, and I love it. It's one of the best I've ever read, and I'm happy I I found it. However, IT IS NOT cool that you haven't updated in six or seven years. I get that things happen in life and our passions fade, and I'm not angry, I'm just like why. Why does it got to be the way it is? But anyhow, pm me so I know you're not dead.
slytherinduolover chapter 22 . 6/14/2017
This story has had me in it's grips and hasn't let me go till the last chapter that you wrote. Thee strength of Harry and the fact that he can see that he needs to grow up and face some hard facts is inspiring and makes you truly feel for him. The fact that the friendship with Ron and Hermione is slowly fading away and being replaced by friendships with others who think and act like Harry does not surprise me considering that as we grow, we will sometimes out grow our childhood friendships if those same friends do not grow with us. This is an amazing story and I truly do hope you have not stopped writing it.
Toniboo chapter 22 . 5/29/2017
Can I please say how much I love this story?! The way you have developed little known characters like septima and your oc is little short of genius! And I love harry/blaise! Thank you so much with sharing your talent and this story. I would love it if you decided to continue with this, no matter the length of the wit, I'll still be here . To summarise, amazing fic, panting for more and thank you so much for writing this! Toniboo Xox
sjordanPA chapter 22 . 5/7/2017
I greatly enjoyed your story. I am only sorry you never had a chance to finish it as it is most interesting. I know life can get in the way but I do hope someday your inspiration returns and you are able to complete it.
fingerprint-by-fingerprint chapter 22 . 5/5/2017
AHHHH, WHAT A CLIFFHANGER! I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH! I absolutely LOVE what you have done with these characters! I loved how Harry developed and how his relationships evolved! I hope you come back to this someday! Awesome job, thanks for posting! :D
Guest chapter 22 . 3/25/2017
Seriously?! That's how you end it? Crazy cliffhanger! I thought the story was amazing. It made so much sense. Very well written, and structurally correct. Wish there was more though...
ToriMassengale77 chapter 22 . 3/23/2017
Annalane chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
This far the best fanfiction in the HP universe that i've read and i hava to thank you for it. I dont know of u'll continue this but it's okay if u dont. I know real life is more important and that is totally normal. Besides i've got my imagination if i want more. I just hope u still read the comments because u need to be complimented on your wonderfull work. Read something that had something similar to the old ways before and it's an aspect of magik that fascinates me. U have a true gift with words i only hope u still enjoy writing at least for yourself.
nyx-p1e chapter 22 . 2/19/2017
Wow! Amazing story! Even though it's been so long since you last updated, I hope you return to this eventually! :)

I love your take on 'the old ways', Harry and Ron's friendship, Harry and Hermione's friendship, Harry and Dumbledore's relationship. I think you managed to capture all of the canon characters exceedingly well, while adding a more mature and adult outlook on life to them. I'd be really interested in exploring and reading more about Harry's growth as a wizard, a leader and a warrior. His relationships have shifted and changed drastically already so far, and his realization and command at the end of this chapter are going to finalize some of those changes. Gosh, you've just created such a fascinating tapestry and I want to know more! How will Harry's surviving family deal with his relationship with Blaise? How will Harry deal with the Wizarding World's reaction to his relationships and his choices in battle? How will learning the old ways continue to affect Harry? How will Harry defeat Voldemort, and who will he lose before then?

Good luck with all your writing, and I really really hope you get the time and inspiration to continue this at some point. :)
Guest chapter 22 . 2/4/2017
I'm very sad you abandoned this fic I fell in love the first time Harry and Blaise met. This is an amazing story! I'm going to follow it in the hopes you will I know it up again one day
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