Reviews for Broken House, Broken Doll
Endgame65 chapter 6 . 11/8/2014
Good story. I always wanted more development from the time Paul was imprinted on through the events of Epitaph. Great job and keep up the excellent writing.
StarTrail chapter 6 . 8/8/2013
so freaking good. like seriously, the last chapter/epilogue made me cry twice: first when he died in sadness (I was too shocked/horrified when it happened in the show to cry then) and the second time in happiness for the last like 2/3 scenes (I think i did cry in that part in the show...)

anyway, it was amazing! X'D
Deceptivecadence chapter 6 . 9/17/2012
Just watched Paul get his mind stolen by Alpha. Again. It left me heartbroken- again- so naturally i did as one would do in such circumstances.

Turned to fanfiction!

And then i found you. Not only have you cured me of my sorrows, but you did it with such bittersweet, believable pizazz that i can almost pretend this is canon. I mean, wow. Perfect.

I loved this to bits and pieces; particularly how much of an un-happy ending it was as much as a happy one. In reality, life isn't perfect, and that is certainly the case when it comes to crazy brain apocalypses. So going through that hard journey with the survivors was a little bit heartbreaking as well... But with a pay-off that was well worth it! :)

Now i'ma go google hot pics of Echo/Paul getting their fight on. And maybe read some smutty goodness :D Aloha xo
adamjb chapter 6 . 9/9/2012
This story deserves more love. Very well written.
baltears chapter 6 . 12/17/2011
Sweetest Dollhouse story ever. 3

I do wish Joss hadn't killed Paul's body though. He tends to do crazy stuff like that.
alonglongtimeago chapter 6 . 8/31/2010
This is an incredibly beautiful story, the best Paul/Echo story I've come across. It's sort of heartbreaking, how they fall in love and she never tells him and {sob} he dies... you wrote it really well, you showed Paul's ridiculously stubborn personality damn well and his constant love for Echo. Well-written, you kept with canon, you kept their personalities right, I guess it can all be summed up in one word... amazing.
Elliesmeow chapter 6 . 5/26/2010
Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed the evolution of their love and the happy ending you gave us.

WhiteOwl05 chapter 6 . 5/11/2010
Beautiful! So beautiful! Great fic, I really enjoyed reading it! It made the last couple of episodes feel so much fuller and more satisfying. It even makes Paul's death and habitation of Echo's mind seem less wrong. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing. .
WhiteOwl05 chapter 5 . 5/11/2010
*sighs* I almost wish that you'd changed it in the end and made it an AU, Paul should never have died, but I love how seamlessly the whole story fits together with the two epitaphs. It's brilliant! And I love how you added things as well, like how you created a romance between Adele and Dominic...though I thought, in the show, they put him back into the Attic? Oh well, I like your version better. :D he he
WhiteOwl05 chapter 4 . 5/11/2010
Aww beautiful! Even Echo's reunion with Alpha/Paul was beautifully heart-breaking. Bless him. It must be hard for him to see 'himself' with Echo like that. Anyway, great chapter! I love how you've explained safe-haven and how you explained why it's shielded from the blanket signals. They didn't really do that in the show, that I can remember.
WhiteOwl05 chapter 3 . 5/11/2010
I loved your science about what's going on in Alpha and Echo's minds. I never realised how huge Paul breaking through Alpha like he did was until now, but it makes complete sense. It's going to make for an interesting meeting between Alpha and Paul, that's for sure. O.o Anyway, brilliant chapter! I love how in character everyone is, it's brilliant, especially Topher. .
WhiteOwl05 chapter 2 . 5/11/2010
Wow this is brilliant! It's like a really long deleted scene, or something. lol. Not to mention, I really like the way you're showing the growth of Paul and Echo's relationship again, while still including all of the rest of the drama as well! Great story so far! Everyone seems to be perfectly in character, I can't wait to read more! :D
Starclipper01 chapter 6 . 4/13/2010
Nice resolution! I always wondered what happened to Paul in Alpha's mind. You've found a great way to get the original Paul into Echo's head rather than the 2d copy.

I've always hated the way the Paul/Echo ended on the show because that was a copy that was downloaded into her head and he didn't experience all that Paul (the body) and Paul (Alpha) went through in the years since Tucson.

Great writing and great plotting. Wish Joss did the same.


shopgirl152 chapter 6 . 4/12/2010
Wow; what a great ending. I love how you explained the ending of the series. Nice job.
GoldMotel chapter 5 . 3/9/2010
I'm so sad the story is ending soon. I love it.
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