Reviews for Welcome to Hogwarts
jt.morozzz chapter 21 . 1/19
Thank you for such a good story, I really enjoyed it!
I hope you return to writing fanfics someday.
Guest chapter 21 . 4/18/2024
perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect
LordPolux chapter 21 . 9/15/2023
Thank you for writing this. You somehow did a more grounded take on the HP universe than a lot of the greatest fanfic writers. Maybe it is the internal thoughts of the main characters? Or the way they find each other? Anyway, as a H/Hr fan, this was a great journey. Here is me hoping that one day you find the will/inspiration on continuing this tale. Cheers
odonnellzoo99 chapter 21 . 7/14/2022
I don’t know if you still check your reviews occasionally, but I think you were a very talented young writer and I hope you are still using your talents somehow. Even though it isn’t by posting here.
I liked the story and appreciate the style of not feeling the need to continue to an arbitrary finish line, once you establish the character development and relationships.
Thank you for sharing your creativity.
Makimass chapter 6 . 1/15/2022
this fic is a joke
Makimass chapter 2 . 1/15/2022
Incompetent adults introduced, seems like a fine way to introduce your story..harry not performing magic even if it's accidental? no way..
forbinkun chapter 21 . 11/20/2021
Given the 11 years since this story was updated, I doubt that the review matters. Nonetheless, I read and enjoyed your story, it was a simple love story set in a familiar venue with characters changed by fate. I don’t review often as I rarely believe my views are germane- but this story was written with a maturity and control I rarely see in fanfiction, and with a thought to character development that avoids the bashing and compromises that are so common. Thanks for an enjoyable read!
Guest chapter 6 . 11/1/2021
Point of fact: Harry isn't retarded so he would KNOW bullying when he saw it just like he would KNOW that Ron was an asshole to Hermione.
Lolkar chapter 21 . 5/27/2021
This was really sweet and well done.
BuscandoEuphoria chapter 15 . 4/8/2021
Interesting story with a good potential to be great. The dialogue just takes me out of the story a bit too much. The characters read as a bit stiff and the writing makes it seem like they're from midwest america , or rather a midwesterner attempting an english accent .

Tl;dr needs a bit of brit picking, the characters are a bit too OOC, and some of the prose is redundant, but it's a solid story with few typos

If you just need something decent , then give this story
A shot , just dont expect characters to act/sound like hp characters
Strugglemuggle chapter 6 . 3/5/2021
Ron only just started talking and I already want to pound him flat. Well done. :)
Whole thing is well done so far.
Naomi chapter 21 . 1/14/2021
This was amazing! I loved it!
PkScholar chapter 21 . 12/26/2020
This was really cute, I appreciated the pacing of the story and the heartfelt moments for both of them. If anything this story could have been 20 chapters longer but overall I thought it was still wonderful
polarfoxy3282 chapter 21 . 12/26/2020
Great Story!
polarfoxy3282 chapter 1 . 12/26/2020
Great Story!
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