Reviews for Sirius' Savior
lo0602329 chapter 68 . 1/20
I loved reading this story, thank you!
mimble63 chapter 39 . 12/17/2024
Wow! I know you wrote this a while ago , but it is incredible. I cannot stop reading it. This chapter especially is fantastic. I cannot wait and am moving on to the next chapter now! Great work!
ElizabethSoph chapter 68 . 11/20/2024
What an amazing story, the plot is beyond good, and yes the punctuation and such sucks, but you get it, with or without. The story matters, and I have no complaints on that score! Except to say; Well done and well written! I only want one more thing; a sequel! I would love to see Harry pull Hogwarts into the 21st century! And kick Dumbledore's old wrinkly arse! Thank you for a wonderful story!
gaschalk chapter 27 . 8/22/2024
That was a tear jerkier. Thank you
Jin chapter 25 . 8/6/2024
Too many beth’story
Guest chapter 48 . 8/3/2024
The town is spelled Naperville. No extra letter i in the name. Just had to correct you because I grew up there.
kkimschu chapter 45 . 7/17/2024
Just found your works. Loving them. Also love the Jude Devereaux characters, I'm an avid reader of her works.
garvit.bansal234 chapter 68 . 7/5/2024
good book
Rebatrek chapter 64 . 6/30/2024
I am so loving this story!
AncientFellow chapter 59 . 6/17/2024
Honestly, i enjoyed the story, some parts i had to force myself to ignore but this was it for me, no magical governament would subject themselves for a muggle one no matter what, it has been a enjoyable read
ElsieD chapter 68 . 6/4/2024
I really enjoyed this story- so nice to have a Sirius who grew up and developed in so many ways- through parenting, travel, hardships, and injuries- into a complex and interesting character. I look forward to seeing what happens when they have to deal with cleaning up Hogwarts as well as magical Britain. I don’t think Harry will be impressed with the standard of education.
Guest chapter 63 . 5/29/2024
I've never understood how D could lose all his positions of power EXCEPT Hogwarts. Yes it is key to the story but it's an unbelievable concept that D is acknowledged as unfit for everything except, I mean molding the minds of the next generation. Just my idle thought. Love your story.
Guest chapter 60 . 5/29/2024
Excellent story. Very entertaining. Punctuation critics should learn to just get over such a trivial matter. Your talent as an author is commendable and appreciated. RemEMber, ; some, things: are! Just not whurth" Worrying:;, about. Smirk
ressmania chapter 2 . 4/30/2024
Maybe you can name the healer with Sri Wahyuni, more indonesian wkwkw
ressmania chapter 2 . 4/30/2024
OMG Jakarta exist in HP fanfic? Hello Harry!
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