Reviews for Resolution
PleaseDeleteAccount111828283 chapter 1 . 7/13/2005
Wow, I am so glad I stumbled upon this. The first chapter was so amazing. I loved it.
ura-hd chapter 10 . 7/12/2005
I am so happy that you finally updated! Yes, it was worth the wait. But still it took a year. Please please please do not take a year again to create the next chapter.

Anyway, great writing as always. The chapter covers only one day, but so much happened that it seems that days passed.

I ache for Harry and Draco. I hope that they will emerge from the situation relatively unscathed. Poor Draco, he lost the whole world in one day. The way Lucius left his obviously beloved child to suffer and possibly to die is difficult to understand.

Why did Draco forget about the portkey that Dumbeldore gave to him? He will recall about it, right? He needs to get out from Voldemort somehow.

Are Draco and Harry connected somehow? It does not seem that the connection works through the mark. The star crystal seems a real key.

I am somewhat disappointed that Ron is such a heartless bastard in this story. I really cannot see him turning into a cold blood murderer. Why did not anybody figure it out his darkness yet? Isn’t Harry supposed to feel darkness in magic?

Anyway, great chapter. I know I will reread it again and again. Please update soon!
Fire Tempest chapter 10 . 7/10/2005
A fabulous and moving story! Please continue, i dont know how you make your chapters so long!
Nagini Malfoy-Snape chapter 10 . 7/10/2005
It has taken me six hours to read this story and I was so not ready for it to end I do hope you hurry and update because I think I'm in love with it. lol and I would hate to resort to petty threats to make your update become sooner. But my threats can be harsh (thats why im a snape lol) anyway keep up the good work.
xxbabysparklesxx chapter 10 . 7/9/2005
This is such an awesome fic! I can't wait to see what's going to happen next!
sanzo chapter 10 . 7/9/2005
this is the best story i have ever read in the world, hope your gonna write more please!_
Ashleh chapter 10 . 7/9/2005
*mwah* i love u Tawah! Though i'm kicking your arse for not telling me you were working on this fic the many times i asked about it. hmph! Junkie ass updating on vacation...i read this the first day u posted it btw and i love it u must continue and bitch that's an order. This is also the first time i have ever did this but oh well...dude i got my car! Cya and thanx i have been deprived of reading material so this was nice. *smile*

sanzo chapter 6 . 7/8/2005
this is a disaster.

what are they doing to harry!

sanzo chapter 5 . 7/8/2005



WhisperElmwood chapter 10 . 7/8/2005
I have been waiting so long for this update - thankyou so much for not simply giving up and forgetting about it.

This was a wonderful chapter, it's kept me on the edge of my seet for the entire reading (I'm now sure my bf wants to kick me off the computer!)

I really look forward to your next update (however long that will take!) I'm going to continue watching you in hoeful eagerness. I desperately want to know how this story will conclude.

Pasht chapter 10 . 7/7/2005
I suppose I'm lucky... I only discovered this story four months ago and therefore didn't have to wait a whole year for the next chapter. However, I must admit that the wait was worth it and I am looking forward to read the next chapter.

I love this story, the plot is so thick, and the incredible depth in the prophecy - such as Ron and Lucious' names. And I like all the little quotes at the beginning/end of the story, they fit so well!

What would happen if Harry tried to connect to Draco through his mark? Would they be able to communicate? Ohh... I hope to god Draco isn't ACUTALLY a squib! That would be horrible! Our poor smug little Slytherin Prince a squib? Erk.

Anyways, keep writing - don't let the next update take too long!
emerald sparrow chapter 10 . 7/7/2005
This is, by far, one of my favorite stories. It's just so detailed and very well written. I can't wait for the next chapter, so update soon!
Shinosu chapter 9 . 7/7/2005

I know it's close to a year since you updated, but I recently stumbled upon this magnificent story, and I really, really hope you're going to continue it soon. I think this story is a worthy follow up of the real HP books, and I am very much intrigued by the plot. Please finish it someday!


Evo1324 chapter 1 . 6/30/2005
This story is real yum :) When I read other stories about Harry and Draco, it's just not the same. Way to beat out the rest! Keep those chapters coming and lay it on thick!
PizzaDoctorGirl chapter 1 . 6/28/2005
Wow. I definitely think you should finish your story. It's the first Harry Potter fic I've ever read and it was so good! Oh my gosh. Where do I start?

First of all, there was a plot (which, I've found, isn't as common as I'd hoped.)

Secondly, it was a very very interesting plot.

Thirdly, and maybe most importantly, was the way I didn't have to struggle to understand because of the grammar or spelling mistakes.

Fourthly (is that real?) was the chapter length. Your chapters were so long that, if split into the size most people use, it could have been over 30 chapters long. I love it.

Fifthly (I'm going to stop pestering soon) was the detail. Again, love it.

And now everyone thinks I'm a loser who bombards people with reviews. This, however, isn't true. This is the first review I've ever written. Ever. And I've been reading for over 3 years. (Sorry to all I never review to.) I think that should say something about how much I think you should finish. It would make me so, SO happy.

If you decide not to, thanks for the good story while it lasted!

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