Reviews for Resolution |
fox.thief chapter 9 . 1/20/2005 WOW! This is rly...good...i luv your idea of the rly is good...update soon! |
Space Oddity chapter 9 . 1/16/2005 aw crap. now i've finished and I hafta wait for the next chapter. *pouts* mooremoremoremoremore! *feels like a little child* you have no idea (or maybe you do) how effing excellent this fic is. wow. X_X it's so god. i've sat here these last two days and read the last 4 chapters, gasping and smacking my head against the table, going "RON HOW COULD YOU" and all other things. you've really taken these characters and attached them to your plot while keeping them in character. i applaud you. *claps* and im eagerly awaiting the next chapter! |
dragontamer214 chapter 9 . 1/13/2005 OMG! Why'd it stop! I know the chaps are long and all, but u havent updated for...6 months! Please say you didnt ditch this story! It's one of the best fics ive read! I dont usually do slash, but this is even better than most non-slash stories! Update soon! Im DIEING HERE! |
YankeeGirl chapter 9 . 1/9/2005 I first read this story on glass reflection. But there was no review thingy. When I found your story on here I thought I would leave you a review. The story is great there's no other way to put it. I love this story and can't wait for the next chapter. ::jumps up and down:: please update soon I have to know what happens when Draco go's home. |
BlueWateratSunrise chapter 9 . 12/20/2004 please update soon. i don't think i can wait any more. If you could e-mail me your progress at summergrl719 it would be most appriciated. thank you, and please keep going. it is true gift you have with language. thank you for sharing it with the world. i know i never post any of my work for fear of rejection. my writing is a piece of my soul, and sharing it always felt like i was loosing a part of myself. thank you for showing me your soul. |
Kya-chan chapter 1 . 12/18/2004 o_O Th-that was ONE chapter? Whoa. So... So many emotions! ... I love it. :glomps: XD |
Jo chapter 9 . 12/15/2004 time for an update... i'm trying to be patient... genious takes time... BUT IT'S ALMOST BEEN SIX MONTHS! AH! |
gatogirl1 chapter 9 . 12/14/2004 AH! That's it! You've written all this brilliancy but now it's at its end! NO! |
Lunadia chapter 9 . 12/10/2004 oh please please please update! This is even better than rowling's work! you should be a professional writer, if only I had talent like yours... Keep up the amazing work! and update asap pleas! -does puppy eyes- I'll love you forever! |
gatogirl1 chapter 1 . 12/10/2004 Favorite part of chapter 1? The banana comment _ My sister had a yellow snowsuit that made her look like a giant banana...but not as fat of one as Dudley would be _ |
Go.Be.It chapter 9 . 11/9/2004 Very very good. I absolutly love this story! |
Hoshiko-Malfoy chapter 9 . 11/8/2004 I am so addicted to this story! _ |
autumn chapter 6 . 11/4/2004 So when did Lupin turn? |
Alaena chapter 9 . 10/31/2004 Please update... why wont you update? please update... |
Alaena chapter 9 . 10/31/2004 Please update... why wont you update? please update... |