Reviews for Resolution
Pegasus chapter 9 . 8/4/2004
I think we should be thanking you for persisting in finishing this story. So, Thank You. I know how easy it is to forget hobbies and let life overwhlem. So thank you for continuing. It is a wonderful read and I am looking forward to reading the next Chapter! _
Adele Sparks chapter 4 . 8/4/2004
I picked this story at random from roguemessenger's Favorites list and it has held me completely enraptured for the last couple days. I don't even know where to start with what I love about it...well, first and foremost, the most excellently polished grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. Bravo on all that, and on the extra research you've clearly done (the dates and star charts).

Now on to the Good Stuff... *wink* I'm a huge fan of stories with lots of sexual tension, and yours has it in spades. The scene in the robe shop-sainted mother of Potter, that was hoT. So yeah, the tension is good, and the, how you say, Very sexy, very emotional. As Harry might say, "Very, very nice." :D

I'm very impressed with the way you describe Draco's relationship with's not at all one-dimensional like some fics' takes on it. And I love the way H and D are both struggling with "the unexpected depth of emotions." You write the angst well. I'm also enjoying the sly humor, and I'm terribly curious about these characters you've got waiting in the wings...

Thank you for the delightful fic-I can't wait to read more!
futagoakuma-tenshi01 chapter 9 . 8/3/2004
Oh my god...the Draco and Harry parts were so...cute and just...I don't know...but it was great!
Smoocher of Evil chapter 9 . 8/3/2004
Loved this chapter. Absoulutely adored it! It's amusing really, see I came home from vacation on July 31 and the first thing I read was Draco Vertias's next chapter ... and then I read your chapter but when I went to bed that night I wasn't thinking of Cassie's DV chapter like I usually do but about yours. I enjoyed your chapter much better then DV, my favorite story in the world. Thought you'd like to know!
WhisperElmwood chapter 9 . 8/2/2004
oh my god! oh my god! oo;

I quite literally squealed when they said 'I love you'!

And now the fangirl moment has passed... oo;

Anyway- I've been so looking forward to this update - I am enjoying your fic immensely! I can tell from this chapter that you have thought about EVERYTHING, it all links, it all makes sense... it's all fantasticaly thought out. This pretty much raises my esteem of you above even what I thought possible.

I'm am still lost as to whom Ron's teacher could be.. I've thought about all the possibilities, and as of yet, I am STILL unable to figure it out... And I'm really looking forward to seeing what goes on with Voldemort and Draco in the next chapter.. though you have me worried for his life at this end of this instalment oo; (Draco's that is, of course)

The 'protection charm' scene has to be my favourite - the sensuality of placing all those charms on Draco's body, preceeding each with a kiss.. it was excelently written.

And you have me intrigued as to what Severus was about to tell Harry after the potion incident...

Anyway - i'll inflating your ego now (not that you don't deserve it!) I've my own fic to think about oo;

Keep it up, and I really look forward to the next chapter.

Crioch chapter 4 . 7/31/2004
I've spent the last four days reading your story, and I love it. It truly is a work of art, and I can't wait to read more, to see how this beautiful story turns out. Truly magnificent.

And you can spell, too :-D finally someone who understands the difference between "your" and "you're" etc. ;-)
SmokeyMcWeed chapter 9 . 7/31/2004
Beautiful story. It is the budding of the rose, I hope you will help it to grow.
nonewsocks chapter 9 . 7/30/2004
I just spent the past three days reading your fic.

I'm awed, amazed and left with a feeling of complete anticipation, love for your characters and a love for your writing.

Truly magical
PimpernelPippin chapter 9 . 7/28/2004
You do realize that this incredible work has a a word count roughly 5,0 words short of Order of the Phoenix, right? (assuming I remember correctly, that is.) It's incredible, keep writing, I adore it. I have no constructive criticism for you mostly because you don't need any. I'm guessing the Morning star name thing was researched and thought up a long time before this chapter was posted. I don't think that far ahead when I write. I should.
V-queen chapter 9 . 7/27/2004
You updated! You're alive! You updated! You're alive! You updated! I can not tell you how estatic I am that you did. I was having a very shitty month. I ordered a book at the begging of the month and it still hasn't come yet and you why it really pisses me off? It shipped from a state away and it is still not here! But this chapter totally made my day. This is my absolute favorite Draco/Harry fanfic and I faithfully checked every week to see if you updated and today I lucked out. Let me tell you, if you had waited any longer to update I was going to shrink to microscopic proportions and via e-mail myself to you and do evil things to you while you were sleeping. Like cut your hair, put Kool-Aid in your shower head, and put itching powder in your underwear I was that desperate. Hugs,Kisses,and the world's biggest chocolate cheesecake sent with love and inspiration for you to hurry up and get the next chapter out! Love and all other indoor sports, V-queen
Inverse-chan chapter 9 . 7/26/2004
I loved this chapter!

Things seem to really get more and more complicated as the plot moves on... you must spend hours figuring out all of the plot twists.

Please update ASAP! - And oh yeah... do you have any idea how long the whole thing is going to be when you're finished?
renee chapter 9 . 7/26/2004
were do i find the pics, ican't find them
BlueEyedOne chapter 8 . 7/23/2004
I'm hopeing you add a new chapter soon. I can't wait to continue on with the story...:-)
Smoocher of Evil chapter 8 . 7/22/2004
WOW! Great story! I read the first chapter of this story a really long time ago and forgot how good it was! UPDATE SOON!
owlpostagain chapter 5 . 7/17/2004 almost ready to blow off my best friend's sweet sixteen to finish it
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