Reviews for Stealing From Thieves
Starr-Sensei chapter 10 . 1/23/2023
the possibility of the child being magical is the reason I find this decision odd and out of character for these two. despite lily and petunia, there are other multi member muggleborn families in canon
AnotherDayAboveThisEarth chapter 41 . 5/22/2022
I'm glad Harry is part of the crew here. Hermione is insecure, and reacted as such. I don't think she was right, but I kind of get it. I hope this doesn't permanently damage their relationship.

I hope I'll be able to read the ending of this some day.
tpaturi chapter 40 . 6/25/2021
Thank you for making Hermione in the wrong for once. In most stories, it's always only Severus who messes up. I don't think that's realistic- in a relationship, both people will mess up. We already know his faults, but barely anyone shows Hermione's.
Jonia chapter 7 . 4/21/2018
Love this story!
MidnightQuill420 chapter 1 . 10/9/2017
I've this a few times and am always sad when I realize it is not finished I get depressed
Zalia chapter 41 . 4/30/2017
Great story!
RabShinikami chapter 41 . 7/27/2016
More please? I love this story
riskeybusiness chapter 41 . 6/22/2015
Oh no! So close to the end yet not the end :( please please please update? I'd love an ending, really enjoyed the story so far!
adara1103 chapter 41 . 4/24/2015
This is a really good story and I hope that you are not going to abandon it. I can't wait to see what happens next. I will be following it and checking my inbox for updates.
Guest chapter 41 . 4/2/2015
are you going to finish the story?!

Guest chapter 35 . 4/1/2015
i dont want to lose my place by logging in, but my pen name is wickedlysweetsilence , and you have spun an amazing story. i promise to log in when i am finished and mark you as a favourite.

that was a beautiful chapter -almost unlike any other. and i have been reading fanfics since i was 12 in 2003.

i am so very glad you gave minerva a back story, and such a lovely one at that! i always assumed she felt maternally over hermione and severus. i cannot see why the HP books did not go in that way. i often fantasize that severus is JKs perfect man, as she crafted the hermione we know and love from her own youth.

thanks for the awesome story!
Liz Merryfeather chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
It's a good story shame you didn't finish it. I'll follow anyway, just in case.:)
excessivelyperky chapter 41 . 10/20/2014
Well, it's annoying that Harry automatically blames Snape for Hermione being upset, but unfortunately that's always going to be the case. At least Harry believed Snape when he told him what actually happened, which has not always been the case in the past.

It is also annoying that Hermione wouldn't let Snape sleep, but at least their argument was resolved.

And if Snape can produce more Wolfsbane, I'm sure Harry won't let him get ripped off, either.

Glad to see that Hermione realizes she was in the wrong for once, though, and that they reconciled.

Still want to hear more about that ring in Severus' pocket, though.
excessivelyperky chapter 40 . 10/10/2014
Actually, I don't blame Snape for being angry with Hermione here. I am glad that Lily came to set Hermione's heart and mind at ease, but it wasn't any of her business what Severus had to say to his mother.

Severus has been a doormat all his life for the people he loves. As he said, it's time for Hermione to prove that *she* loves *him*.
excessivelyperky chapter 39 . 9/27/2014
Yes; just like Hermione has to face her parents and own up to what she did, Snape needs to talk to Lily's ghost and lay it to rest. Old business needs to be finished for both of them.

Here's hoping Lily is a little more grown up than we saw her in canon...
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