Reviews for A Time for Changeling
Kady chapter 19 . 12/30/2024
I really enjoyed this! For so many reasons - loved Gellert and the mistaken identity - good!Dudley was aces - but I think amazing!Percy was my favorite part. I have a huge soft spot for badass Percy fics!
Binte Muhammad chapter 19 . 12/29/2024
This was absolutely beautiful!
Incantations7 chapter 19 . 12/8/2024
Quite a bit different than most gics that I’ve read, but in a good way. It has enough plot, action, and while I honestly believe that canon Dumbledore would have used legillimency on him to find out who he was, it was still a good read.
BeyondTheDive chapter 19 . 10/26/2024
Fantastic storytelling! Binged it in one sitting
RubinCompServ chapter 3 . 7/10/2024
This is the chapter where I gave up on the story. Leaving aside the whole, "Dudley can see magical creatures; he must be a changeling" nonsense, you simply aren't explaining your story very well. The guy pretending to be Dudley was a Changeling, so Harry ran away and changed his name to Harry Porter (because nobody would ever figure that out), and then the Changeling!Dudley blew his cover for no reason, but the guy that Harry has been hanging out with is a werewolf and he's also the REAL Dudley, but he doesn't know that he's Dudley and has no memory of his parents or Harry, but he's going to challenge an adult werewolf and expects to win - did I get that right?
Guest chapter 7 . 5/3/2024
You bitch. Did you forget that Snape and his friends used dark curses, invented dark curses with no cure, used them on other students and even assaulted Mary McDoggal. That Snape called every muggleborn a Mudblood, he was so habitual of it that term slipped finally from his mouth for Lily too in anger and embarrassment. That fact is mentioned in flashback of Book. But because you're a disgusting Bitch, you will ignore all that and go on maligning Marauders and go on to invent new things to slander them. Lily was no fo and she wouldn't have married a Bully had James not grown up. But of course James should have no problem with a Dark Curses on other students using Boy; and with A Boy who had immediately insulted James' Father in his first meeting. You get that bitch? It was never about Houses, it was about who Snape supported which was Mini Death Eaters and a Boy who insulted his Parent.
SpSt chapter 19 . 1/2/2024
this was excellent. thank you
YserriaRey chapter 19 . 8/17/2023
There was so much creativity bursting out of this. It was a delight to read. I find myself wanting to read even more stories of Harry and Bathilda though. I suspect they won't quite match what I enjoy in your style thought.
peterco chapter 19 . 5/3/2023
I liked it.
It's original. A lot of the annoying and repetitive tropes were avoided.
Percy got redeemed. Dumbledore is nuanced, but not selfishy evil. I feel like the world of the books was respected, and no characters were unrecognisably different.
And the core concept of Harry going incognito but still helping worked great
Guest chapter 19 . 2/26/2023
Good story
perlcat45 chapter 19 . 1/8/2023
Great story!
LadyGrimR chapter 19 . 11/27/2022
Oh my godddd PErrccyyyyyy! Yesss. I always thought Percy was interesting.
Sim chapter 19 . 11/19/2022
Excellent story. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks.
Guest chapter 19 . 9/28/2022
Read this story half a dozen times and each time I wish it were longer! Fantastic job! Love the interactions between Harry and Gellert (would have loved much more of that!)! Love Percy (and would hvae loved seeing him reconnecting with his contrite family)!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/28/2022
Love how this is showing where Percy is coming from, how seriously he takes his duty and how much he wants to do the right thing.
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