Reviews for Yours for an Hour
Guest chapter 1 . 3/23/2016
so cute :)
ai chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
i looked for this story after the breaking news about this ff is being made into drama cd and wondering how good is the story and NOW I KNOW WHY. omg it's so beautifully written, no rush, no love confession whatsoever, emotionally delivered, and soooo so good. congrats! i hope i can ship the cd to my country
nikki.sempai0427 chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
This was...omg I can't even with this fic. It was perfect no mistakes at all. I'm so happy to have stumbled across this amazing work of art. I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes SasuNaruSasu. It's like nothing I've ever seen. Very well put together, absolutely enjoyed it. Thank you so much for making this. Keep up the good work ;)
NaruHinaSasu08 chapter 1 . 3/16/2016
This was a really WONDERFUL story! I'm not really interested in the SasuNaru pairing though... I promise that I'm not homophobic! I just feel sorta uncomfortable and awkward around them! Other than that... I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! CONGRATULATIONS! On your Fanfiction becoming a Drama CD! How did you feel when both Junko Takeuchi and Noriaki Sugiyama voiced the "new" characters? -
Guest chapter 1 . 3/16/2016
Is this NaruSasu?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
You must have been so thrilled that this was adapted into an audio. Xxx it was sooo good to read and listen to.
Neliel Malfoy Potter chapter 1 . 3/10/2016
Hi i love this story of yours and many more girls want to read but don't have the same mine ease in knowing English have not been able then to read if you do not bother I would like to translate with your permission to read it on facebook in my group https: groups/559598934204379 or love yaoi with my nick is neliel9221 or right here fanfiction or what they want to read it if you let me I translate for the Spanish-speaking audience a big kiss hahaha hope your answer what soon as possible.
TopGunTears chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
I'm reading this after hearing it's being made into a CD drama and I understand why they chose this story. It's really good
MarRushionerGleek chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
OMG! This was so utterly beautiful! 3
I loved it, every single bit of it! It was amazing! Brilliant, really!
Must be one of the best works I've ever heard. It was so precious it literally hurts (seriously, my heart ached due to so much emotion)!
Thank you so very much for sharing it with us. :3

~ Greetings! xx
Guest chapter 1 . 3/6/2016 so beautiful that I can't put it into words :_)
Deadlastt chapter 1 . 2/27/2016
Your writing style was absolutely astonishing. It was completely different than many fanfictions I have read on here. I can't wait for the CD; my lover and I felt the emotion and deep writing. It was nice for a change to be able to read something that is wasn't just "The blond" and "Dobe " but something much deeper and meaningful . Thank you.
Anonymous chapter 1 . 2/26/2016
I'm not sure if you check for reviews anymore, but I absolutely have to say I found this so satisfying that I've been crying tears of joy and ecstasy. This was written in such an unique fashion, you're such an amazing writer, and GAH I'M JUST FEELING SO HAPPY! I hope those two lovebirds will have a happy life together someday. Thank you for this beautiful work of art!
Spencer chapter 1 . 2/18/2016
this was very interesingly written and hella good i might add. the writing style was awesome and i cannot emohasize enough how much i loved reading it
XxxComicsGurlxxX chapter 1 . 2/10/2016
oH my god I am so in love with this this is so amazing I cant even You are so amazing dear god help this killed me so cute and when Sasuke called him nARUto oh my god so good 10/10 so great this made my day thank you.
m-slovak79 chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
An utterly mediocre story inspired in a series I never watched.
I wish to know why Tumblr idiots keeps spamming this on my dashboard.
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