Reviews for Yours for an Hour
Guest chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
I just came here because i read the notice from AnimeNewsNetWork

Corn chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
I just heard the news about your fic being turned into a legitimate drama-cd!
Congratulations probably doesn't cut it, but I wanted to say it anyway. ; _ ; It's almost like a dream come true, I really really REALLY hope your others get the same chance as well!

CONGRATULATIONS! On being the awesome writer that you are, you really deserve it. XD
IisAzuki chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
such a beautiful story,,,
do you have any other sequel of this fic?
they're just too cute. I don't know what I have to say anymore.
make some more again please, some sequel and more fluffy.
if you mind of course.
Delete00X chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
This was utterly beautiful and touching.

Thank you so much.
Firebird04 chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
Thank you so much for this besutiful story , i wish you success in the cd drama, i really hope it becomes really popular arund the world. There are so many fans that loved and still love sasunaru all around the world that were so disappointed with the manga ending and how Naruto and Sasuke's bond was discarted so easily, especially since that was one of the main points of the story, that no matter how much time has passed people still can't get over it. I ho9e that this gives fruit to more things to come in the future and maybe finally give their story and bond justice.

It may no to seem like much to you but you and everyone who contributed has done something big for use fans and i can speak for all of us when i say thank you for yoyr hard work and consideration to us.
Sofia chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
In my honest opinion this looks more like a Bromance fanfic than a typical Yaoi one, which again in my opinion (bromance) represents Naruto and Sasuke's canon relationship; as brothers forever
Jakoparena chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
And this is supposed to be turned into the CD?...omg this will be the end of me... I'm so going to die, ...this was so beautiful and ...omg

SM2TM chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
This is a great story! It took me a little adjusting to the format since it was written in a style that is different to the fanfics I usually come upon but the depth,smoothness and overall cohesiveness of the story is wonderful. There are soo many things in this particular story that are relatable and applicable to life, I love the interaction between Naruto and Sasuke (Sasuke's inner dialogue was great and definitely made laugh at times), there's a sincerity to Naruto's actions and explanations that truly wins you over and makes you appreciate and love him all the more for the way he tries to give back to the world. This is a great story, congratulations on reaching drama cd status! Can't wait to hear our favorite VA's acting this dialogue out! :D
ATouchofWinter chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
That was really cute!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
That was beautiful.
I must admit I had to adjust to the writing style as it's not what I'm used to but I'm so glad I did.
I can understand why this is so popular.
I can't wait to get the drama CD based off this.
Thank you so much.
This has made my day, I honestly can't stop smiling.
Arisu-ArtnFics chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
I like it
I decided to read out of curiosity, thanks for the CD... to be honest...
But once I started... It didn't get sense... to be honest, I kinda of find it a bit complicated.. but...
As soon as I keep reading and don't stop, I find the sense and like it and a lot...
What else I can say... this nice...
It's a good...
FRoosu404 chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
Evening yo! (At least it's evening in my country)

So it's been months since i've last come to this fandom. I've got tiny courage to read sns fics again without thinking that their story came out not the way i wanted (silly i know. And i've learned how to let go and move on from this pairing that i ship hard for years). Until i read some news that there's gonna be a drama cd based on this fic and i got really curious, so i tried it out with the same anxiety level ppl get when they stalk their ex on sosmed. And God how i'm grateful i did.

At first i was reminded once again how i came to love this pairing and this fandom. How it, he, "changed me one hour at a time" as i read through it. I'm glad this fic doesn't have lovey dovey content that'll only makes it harder for me. And when i reached the end of it, i finally, finally can let go and completely move on. I can think of them without feeling empty inside now.

So thank you for the wonderful work. It cures me so. Congratulation for the drama cd adaptation. And sorry for my grammar mistakes or if you don't really get what i'm saying as english is not my first language.

I'm out. Night yo!
SNlalalandNHreality chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
wow I loved this! im sad it ended. . I love it. I hear your coming out with a cd for it staring the voice actors of naruto and sasuke? that's amazing, you deserve it. I read alot..a lot of fan fiction with many great authors but this one is golden. I didn't even think they'd be together, then at the end you realize naruto liked him from the start. that was great. great story.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
Hi! I saw your drama cd being announced on and i wanted to immediately congratulate you :) congrats congrats, so happy for you so so much! I'll review again soon with my username :) love you so much! I just got so excited!
LadyAlicerius21 chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
This is practically the best piece I have ever read in so far. Not just in the Naruto fandom but among everything else. I had fallen in love with the entire story ever since I read the first paragraph, and it only made me fall deeper into it by every single word that had followed it. I significantly liked how the author was able to build the interaction slowly without rushing anything and was able to fit it all into one story without leaving any loose ends, from the foundations that had built both characters as an individual up to how they interacted with one another without going out-of-character. The story in itself was also an entertaining visage of love and lost as well as pain and gain without the other overwhelming the other. I am both left yearning for more from them and content and satisfied with how the author ended the story that its starting to ache and I have to read this again and again because its already gorgeous as it is. Not to mention the wonderful words, metaphors and construction that the author had used to trigger sleeping (or in my case, dead) heartstrings and had succeeded in breathing dead hearts back to life as Naruto *Life* did to Sasuke, strengthening the bond and experience between the author, characters, and the readers as well. A must read and model for the blooming writers and readers that fanfictions, as perfections, should never be rushed.
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