Reviews for Brotherhood
Anonymous0ne chapter 4 . 6/3/2024
Love how detailed you are with your explanation, it really allows the reader to visualize the scenes your making
Guest chapter 44 . 3/26/2024
Beautiful work please keep up the good work and add more to this beauty
Salazar Shenron chapter 12 . 1/25/2024
Ikran look to me like wyvern dragons without scales or fire
Deafhood1998 chapter 13 . 8/20/2023
when she wanted to sing in Irish and I right there has this uncontrollable urge to sing Panzerlied. I wonder how would the Na'vi react to Panzerlied?
Drunken Hamster chapter 44 . 2/15/2023
-Author never meant to be quite so "long awaited"
-It's been over 12 years since an update.

Man, I really hope you pull a rabbit out of a hat sometime soon... This fic is too good to leave unfinished.

Drunken Hamster chapter 31 . 2/6/2023
Listen. I'm gonna warn you now. I don't care if you haven't logged in in 6 years; If you kill Tsu'tey and Trudy after all this buildup and development, or if it otherwise goes "the same" as the movie in the worst ways, I'm gonna be PISSED after this fuckin whole ass WEEK I will have spent reading this story.

It's TOO GOOD of a story to be wasted on that rehash bullshit. It's in too deep to see such subtle, or worse, NO changes from canon. The science team saboteurs, Tommy with Ninat, the girl being sent to Tsu'tey, Trudy's development and involvement, and the site 12 team... You can't leave the final battle anything like the movie.

Bruh, I will look for you, and if I find you, I'll scream at you to rewrite it. You're killing my damn heart with this so far... FUCK!


((Also, whatever happens, you need to come back and continue it. Hope you're doing well and still alive and all that.))
Drunken Hamster chapter 29 . 2/6/2023
Just gonna leave a plain review saying "this is amazing" because it's literally too good to stop reading for any absolutely unnecessary reason, but it's also so good that I HAVE to say something about it or I'll feel like I didn't do my duty to praise your writing.

But fuck me, I hope Tommy's alright. Ninat too... I'm starting to get really worried as we roll up on the destruction of the Tree of Voices and the whole "you aren't one of us" shit, as well as the felling of hometree...

By Eywa, I hope your changes to the story are enough to help negate and minimize the severity of the time of sorrow...

Drunken Hamster chapter 13 . 2/3/2023
I don't think I quite understand your explanation of the singing. Sounds like they're singing in monotone since you said no vibrato, dynamics, or personal intonations. Which is also contrary to the Na'vi singing in the movie, particularly their "amazing grace" equivalent at the Tree of Souls.


Good fic so far, though, and I hope you're doing okay and perhaps plan to eventually update/finish this story. Or if it's already finished, mark it as such, lol.

Will the Werewolf chapter 44 . 1/6/2023
Great story so far. However, it would be great if you were to finish it as well.
mems1223 chapter 20 . 12/1/2022
I think it's absolutely hilarious and so adorable that the Na'vi version of puppy dog eyes is puppy dog iears/i
Evelynn1942 chapter 5 . 5/4/2022
This is so good I’m really loving this, it’s hard to find good stuff for this movie! I think the idea of Tommy being alive too is so interesting, thanks for sharing!
Rossess20 chapter 15 . 7/9/2021
I was wondering when Tsu'tey would show up...
Guest chapter 44 . 5/17/2021
What do you MEAN hasn't been updated since 2011?!
TachyonEmperor107 chapter 44 . 11/21/2020
I'm a huge fan of this story. I really appreciate the angle you took by including Tom. I (as I'm sure a lot of readers of the fic are doing the same) wonder how much longer are we going to have to wait for the conclusion to this story? the last update was several Years ago.
Nate Cook chapter 44 . 10/27/2020
It's a shame this was never finished, I still come back once a year or so when I get bored to re-read the story, but I've always wanted to see the *Complete* tag next to it for years now
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