Reviews for I'll be true to you
th3 d3v1l'5 4dv0c4t3 chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
This is a really beautiful way to show their longing for one another, it's also the best songfic I've ever read! I love your other OroAnko-fics too, I'm a long-time reader and new at this review thing so I haven't had the opportunity to put little fav tags on those yet. So anyway, I fell in love with the song here, had to get it on my Spotify playlist. Every time it plays, it reminds me of Orochimaru's and Anko's relationship and this songfic. Now it's permanently in my head, so you did a really good job. :) 3
Jigoku-Dayu93 chapter 1 . 2/23/2011
It was cute and sweet. Never heard the song before, but I liked the lyrics and how they fit your story. The parts with Kabuto made me laugh, for some reason. Guess he's good at comic relief. And I agree, Anko doesn't have Stockholm Syndrome.
SoundCast chapter 1 . 2/17/2010

Nice message you sent to that Stockholm Sydrome fanfiction.

Hipe everybody reads it.


Ryunn Kazan chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
I never knew Sasuke could care. I liked the story: what genre was the song, I'd like to take a listen.