Reviews for The Handcuff Bracelet
J. Shadows chapter 26 . 8/29/2024
I’ve come back to read this story so many times over the years, and this is still my favorite chapter. I love reading it. It’s so heart warming and heart breaking at the same time, and so beautiful. I love chapters in stories that come from an outsiders perspective on the main couple, and this was done so beautifully with Alice and Edwards relationship in this chapter.
Guest chapter 50 . 1/26/2024
Just here to say hope you finish this one day!
LK256 chapter 50 . 10/15/2021
Referring to your most recent author end note:
I found your story and I like it.
Any chance for an update even if it’s been almost 10 years ? As a reader who hates unfinished stories that got me investedI’d appreciate it.
Thanks !
CAMJ1993 chapter 50 . 5/19/2021
This has been a great ride! Please finish it!
jojomc0317 chapter 50 . 1/27/2021
If u respected these characters like u said and any of your readers u would've finished this story. U ebd on a cliff hanger like that? After 50 chapters? I'm so disappointed rn. I would pay u to finish it. Consistency probs aside, this was a great freaking story.
jojomc0317 chapter 18 . 1/22/2021
I really like your writing. You seem like a super fun and open peson in RL from your responses too. I like that you write free flowingly. I think it's kind of cool to not have a conplete pre formed rigid outline. I'm glad I found your story. All these years later! Hope you are still writing. I can't imagine you not. I feel its just a part of your soul.
debslmac chapter 50 . 10/3/2019
I hope you are able to update this sometime. Love this story
mayymie chapter 50 . 6/17/2019
Wowee please please please finish this story. I’ve been waiting years to see how it all ends up. I keep coming back to check that maybe I’m the only person who didn’t get a notification. Anyway, I enjoy your writing and this is my favorite fanfic of all time.
sourcherry4 chapter 50 . 5/31/2018
This fanfic has had such an impact on me! I love the characters, the way they evolve with the plot, their relationship, the musical references, everything. It has helped me in a time where I was a little insecure about myself, and I truly felt a connection to Bella’s story. I don’t even know why I’m posting this, considering it’s been 6 years since you last updated, but I guess I had to do this. At least to let you know that you’ve written a great piece of literature, even if it has no ending. Thank you very much.
All the best
midnight1899 chapter 50 . 3/27/2018
Haha, I don't know why this popped into my head 6 years after you posted but I loved this story. Came back for the nostalgia. You were so close to the end! I hope your doing well.
eieios chapter 24 . 10/28/2017
I don't know how to send a PM, and I don't know if you still get these reviews, but the quote that starts with, "wouldn't death be easier" just about sums up my life. And I wpuld like to put it on social media. Objections?
charbronte chapter 37 . 9/27/2017
BrookelynNola chapter 50 . 9/1/2017
Omg, I read this entire story in 2 days! Please update!
Guest chapter 50 . 8/30/2017
please update
suzanne20035 chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
wish you would finish such great story
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