Reviews for Reaper's Origin
HistoricalHijinks chapter 7 . 5/25/2023
Enjoying this story, and I know its dead, but I'm just going to point out that the Normandy's shields standing up to Staff Cannons is absurd. When Earth is attacked in the alternate universe, the ground-impact blasts are measured at 200 megatons of energy, and we know they can scale much higher than that because the standard ha'tak shield (which staff cannons are meant to fight) can take 1000 megaton explosions without flinching, per Anubis' attack in the main timeline.

An Everest-class dreadnaught of the Systems Alliance has a main gun that only hits at 38 kilotons. since the Normandy wouldn't be able to ignore multiple hits from a dreadnaught, I think we can assume that things wouldn't go quite like this.

That being said, still a fun story.
matt626 chapter 16 . 3/12/2023
Great story, I do have one question, did Tyrus intentionally let the wraith out? It seemed like an accident but others seemed to treat it like intentional.
9149130189189 chapter 10 . 1/24/2022
Awesome world building. Haven't seen a backstory as good as this in ages.
Mangoose chapter 11 . 8/16/2021
I absolutely despise Elizabeth Weir. Whenever she appears in a story, I fervently pray that a stray meteor would fall on her head.

On another note, this is certainly one of the best Stargate crossovers I have ever read.

I love seeing the Wraith getting their skulls kicked in.
Mangoose chapter 6 . 8/16/2021
The story definitely has higher quality than the writer's first story. Sad to see the story isn't being updated anymore but I'm happy it's still available on the archive.

Also, it's nice to see someone who actually bothered to understand how Mass Effect technology works.
EternalAnglo94 chapter 16 . 6/6/2021
I absolutely loved this story not perfect of course but I really enjoyed it

I hope you come back to it one day
darkfinder chapter 12 . 5/26/2021
why not on the Citadel . makes more since , big station advance they feel more at home .
darkfinder chapter 10 . 5/26/2021
been wondering is mordin helping the asgard with there degeneration problem .
darkfinder chapter 3 . 5/26/2021
well that was surprising they kill them like that .
darkfinder chapter 2 . 5/26/2021
to bad so many did not make it . wonder they do .
pierre.ollivier.wendling chapter 7 . 11/28/2020
a bit weird the french aren't joining considering thay were one of the first 5 Nations in the stargate initiative... oh and that in the entire series they were the only ones that didn't criticize the sgc, your list is a bit wrong but good fic anyway!
WinterRain36 chapter 16 . 7/30/2020
I miss this story. Sucks you never finished it. :(
FYAT chapter 3 . 11/16/2019
You do realise that kinetic barriers only block kinetic energy and cannot block plasma for it would bypass through. The reapers would of set the technological trap for that very reason so that their own weapons can cut through them with ease
acarrmont chapter 16 . 7/6/2019
While rereading this for the upteenth time I keep blindly wishing for that next button to pop up. Anyway, has any body thought about the use of tretonin (basicly goa'uld juice) as a substitute for quarian immune system?
Ethan76 chapter 5 . 7/2/2019
I would like to point out that while being a Star Trek ship, the Enterprise is actually a real US Navy Warship as well. I've read this story numerous times and always loved it! I just thought that the President would not find the name strange, the captain of the ship might get a lot of trek references from the crew, but it's not an odd name.
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