Reviews for A Rush of Blackbirds (Formerly--Speak Not Against the Sun) |
Vickety chapter 11 . 7/8 Thank you again is a wonderful story! |
sarah.shilo chapter 11 . 7/5 A very beautiful story, thank you so much for writing it. I enjoyed it immensely. |
Zezily chapter 11 . 6/26 Holy shit this was good! |
Redhills chapter 11 . 5/3 These two characters are the definition ‘doing too much’ |
Guest chapter 11 . 4/29 Darcy should move on from Wickham's whore Elizabeth. Darcy deserves a HEA, not Elizabeth |
Guest chapter 11 . 4/29 Elizabeth Bennet is a stubborn arrogant prostitute. She and Lydia should be housed in a brothel |
Guest chapter 11 . 4/21 I think this was one of the first FanFics I read when I discovered this site about 10 years ago. It was fun to find it and reread it all these years later. I see it differently now; having faced a little trauma of my own, I understand what would hold Elizabeth back so much, and why there was so much misunderstanding between the two. Thanks for sharing this story. |
Between White and Black chapter 11 . 4/9 Really beautiful! |
crashN'BERN chapter 11 . 4/6 Ah... there's a reason why i never reread this for years: cuz Elizabeth here is so tiresome. Kinda rubs me off the wrong way, too, with how much she runs away. |
Jenny4594 chapter 11 . 3/31 Beautiful |
deeon chapter 11 . 2/22 What a frustrating Elizabeth. She could die in her own self inflicted misery for all I care if only she didn't torture Darcy as qell. What an idiot. |
Guest chapter 11 . 2/17 Just read this over again. Just loved it again, too! |
The Pineapple Cake chapter 11 . 2/4 ! |
Elo chapter 1 . 1/8 Love it! |
gimpysgirl chapter 11 . 11/20/2023 Oh my goodness! I don't what to say. I love Jane Austen and have grieved, somewhat, over the years at the unsatisfying "getting togethers" in her stories. Angst I understand, but while she is our master, you are her equal! She provided the characters but you have given to them what my heart desired, even though I did not fully know it! I feel very blessed to have been looking on fanfiction and seen Pride and Prejudice, a favorite but never having read any fanfiction thinking that there could not possibly be anything worthy. I am glad to be wrong. You have fleshed out the characters perfectly, perhaps better in our modern sensibilities, and satisfied a rather prudish woman who romances the idea of the graces of a world that a poor country mom in America in which, in Austen's day and place, would probably have been a scullery maid. Nevertheless, even they would have enjoyed the talk about their mistress and master and wished them joy as I do. I give you thanks for all the effort you have made to create a masterpiece of your own for no more than a pat on the head. Such people as you are beyond generous. Thanks. Becky Johnson, Ohio |