Reviews for Take the Ice
baisutherland chapter 33 . 2/11
still waiting for another bonus outtake :’) i’m obsessed with this story and have been since its onset. thank you for sharing this version of bella and edward!
Obsidian Dreamweaver chapter 33 . 10/22/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, and was truly captivated by its unique narrative and creativity. The depth and imagination in your work inspired me, and I believe it would translate beautifully into a visually compelling comic book.

As a professional comic artist, I would love to collaborate with you to bring your vision to life as a fully illustrated comic. This project would be commission-based, and I would work closely with you to ensure that every page captures the essence of your story.

If this opportunity excites you, I’d be happy to discuss the process in more detail, including pricing, timelines, and any creative ideas you have in mind.

Please feel free to reach out to me via any of the following:

Discord: lydiacrazy
Instagram: lydiacrazy1

Email: lydiacrazy88 gmail . com

Thank you for considering this collaboration. I look forward to the possibility of working together to create something truly extraordinary!

Best regards,
Lydia Crazy
Professional Commission Comic Artist
Cullenforever chapter 26 . 10/8/2024
This is one of my favorite stories! I keep coming back and I love it as much as the first read. Please do a future as the kids grow maybe Mac as a pro.
taylorliteshreya chapter 33 . 9/25/2024
Amazing amazing story! You have such a way with words, i was completely captivated. I have never been compelled to leave comments but you had me laughing, crying alongside these amazing characters you created! I hope you get to publish this, i would be the first in line to buy it. All the best!
GorGirl chapter 6 . 9/7/2024
He crashed her party, but she didn't mind.
GorGirl chapter 5 . 9/5/2024
Poor Bella. She just needs time.
GorGirl chapter 4 . 9/5/2024
They were both excited to see each other!
GorGirl chapter 3 . 9/5/2024
She needs to fire Renee and keep Marcus.
GorGirl chapter 2 . 9/5/2024
She's already got BFFs and a freshly painted apartment!
GorGirl chapter 1 . 9/5/2024
I'm re-reading this!
HollBeth chapter 2 . 7/23/2024
Ugh. I think I’ve just read too much Twific or something because another Alice who is in-your-face, steamrolling, my way is best, I WILL get my way no matter what you say, I will get all up in ALL your business, call you “best” when I just met you…I’m actually considering just skipping ahead some chapters until there’s less mouthy girlfriends and more relationship stuff. Although I’m sure there’ll be a TON of meddling involved. Maybe it’s just the introvert in me, too. I’m already tired of Alice’s mouth and overzealous domineering version of friendship. It’s just too much. Feel like I can’t breathe!
spareoom chapter 6 . 7/15/2024
This non-confident bella is so tiring
Lizcarpenter1956 chapter 13 . 6/13/2024
Absolutely love this Edward so much xxx
Lizcarpenter1956 chapter 5 . 6/11/2024
Love this story reading it for the fifth time xxx
Guest chapter 2 . 5/29/2024
i fucking hate alice in every pushy character she plays...i would prob punch her
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