Reviews for This Buried Life
Guest chapter 13 . 1/22
This is amazing. Please finish this story.!
JoVersify chapter 13 . 12/15/2023
Hello my friend!

I just blasted through all 13 chapters of this... realizing somewhere around chapter 8 or so that there was seriously no way this was a finished story with only 13 chapters.

It's not often that I feel compelled to reach out and plead my case. I write myself and know what a cruel mistress our stories and the writing process can be to us, not to mention how RL gets her claws into us as well.

You may have simply moved on with life. I certainly did for a solid decade... but I wandered back into Fandom after the pandemic-that-shall-not-be-named to find it still alive, thriving, and still brimming with talent. Oh, it's quite a smaller community these days (with a new generation welcomed in as well), but damned if I didn't get sucked right back in like the first time.

I've had so many unfinished stories that I started working on again, and a... I don't know... more serious quality came along with the "hobby". (Best way I can describe it). I have matured, as have my writing abilities, and it's a bit of a different experience now, yet still the same as well.

This story is... well, let's just say, it checks about every single box I have for what keeps me enthralled and page turning like a madwoman. I realize you may not even check these notifications any longer, but on the off chance that you've always had a hankering to finish this story, I wanted to come on here and let you know that there is still a community here that will embrace and support your efforts... and that I would HAPPILY ECSTATICALLY offer myself for whatever moral support/beta/preread/cheerleader role you require!

This is such an intriguing, well-laid, and promising mystery and I am shattered at the idea that I may never know the answers to what swirled in your head on this one!

If, at the end of the day, you are simply too far removed from this era of your life, I can surely understand and wish you a wonderfully happy life. Just know that there is a willing heart here, bursting to pierce the veil on the mystery of your tale, and ready to engage in whatever capacity is needed for motivation and inspiration!

I've friended and followed you on fb and Twitter as well (my same name).

Take care of yourself and please do reach out to me in any manner should you wish to tackle this old project! I will be there with bells on!

Much gratitude for your writing!
UntitledEnder chapter 6 . 1/24/2022
I am deeply enjoying this fic but damn. Bella may as well be a mute. Girl doesn’t say a peep.
readluv chapter 13 . 7/3/2020
I hope you update soon! This story has been incredible so far, I'm dying to find out more. You are an incredible writer.
thesheepisblack chapter 13 . 7/9/2019
Oh darn. This was intriguing. Hope you come back to it.
S1203 chapter 12 . 1/18/2019
Can not forget this beautiful story of yours...I hope you are you.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/13/2019
oh, Cheese and Crackers. Edward is peeved on several levels: 1) the idea of Bella in a HOTEL room with a tall, dark and handsome man, awaiting ROOM SERVICE, makes him think he has been betrayed.
2) He knows exactly what they found and the conclusions to which they could come (ei. finding out about the existance of vampires-the three gaudy thrones SCREAM the Volturi, after all).
Being hot-tempered and hard-headed, Edward will mess this up, or Almost mess this up. They should have sent Jasper with him.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/12/2019
I would really like to know which stories you are referencing here. Have pity and realize that not everyone has read what you have.
Sonic Nurse chapter 13 . 6/12/2018
Years later, I still think of this story from time to time. Found you on twitter. I legit wish you would finish this. You're an amazing writer, and this was such an unusual take on the whole series... quite possibly the best one I've read. But I get it, you've probably moved on with the whole life thing haha. Still, every now and again I come back with wishful thoughts, and will continue to do so!
Sonic Nurse D chapter 9 . 6/12/2018
Every now and again, this amazing fanfic crosses my mind again and I tiptoe back to the page to see if it's been updated... and pout when I see it hasn't. This is one of (if not THE) most unique takes on the series, and the writing is extremely well done. I have a feeling, now that's it 2018, that the authoress has moved on to other things. Understandable. But eeeeeee (that's me making an unhappy sound) I wish I wish I wish that the story could continue.
Guest chapter 13 . 1/14/2018
5 years without update, and I still come here... I really wanted to read this fic... it’s so interesting! It’s really sad that is left incomplete! I guess the author in 5 years could have said something to us... but I guess it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t intend to finish this one!
Hopeful Reader chapter 13 . 10/24/2017
I am veryhopeful that this fic will one day be continued. However as 5 years have gone by without an update, feel that would be extremely unlikely.
The Edward Cullen in this story is one of the most interesting I have come across and you have managed to weave an amazing mystery.
If you still have links to this site please would you let us all know if the story will be continued, completed as is or pulled.
EnglishBookLover chapter 13 . 8/16/2017
Love It!
Please finish the story.
ellencu chapter 8 . 3/12/2017
Oh Hell! That's...HOT!
Guest chapter 13 . 3/9/2017
This story was so good...
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