Reviews for The End and the Beginning
Tribernator chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
Well there are actually a couple variations, First off, two people somehow came back, (and I have faith you will come up with a reason for that)you ignored the need to seperate the soul from the body via AK to the chest from nightmares past, and as you mentioned yourself, he doesnt have a fonging clue on how to kill voldy. Yes you used his method of travelling back in time, but you might as well claim that using the soul bond plot device is a ripoff of whoever the hell did it first. Its a plot device, not an entire story.

I like this start and hope you keep going with it. Hell, I like most of your stories!
hemotem chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
An excellent beginning I like the promise of this story I look forward to seeing where this goes.

tumshie chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Nice start to your story, I like the unintended consequences of Harry doing his ritual on top of Hermione's grave, looking forward to reading more
Slytherin66 chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Good start I look forward to what happens next.
jdboss1 chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Good start

1 h/hr is the best

2 a not good headmaster

good so far

you need to drop ron from the group
shiro-wolfman-k chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
i do really do not want to offend, i do not mind the several reference to God in the story, they are well placed i must add, but when you did put "Cristhian Name" to a pure blooded Witch, that was a bit too much.

I do not think that cristianism and Witches can be put togheter, in almost, all the religion, witches were despised, and put like the enemy, in several countrys the cristian did hunt and kill witches, so, harry making that reference whit his "maturity" and knoledge was out of place.

I know that maybe you just used that like a reference, but, i dont know in a book of witches, it could be not well placed.

The reference of a GOd, well i dont have problems whit that, cause they have to believe in one, (just that JKR dint make one just to evade a complete war whit the cristians that were opposing her book.) But please, at least try to not put name to the religion you are making reference.

Try to be at least more universal in that area, and if you are not stoping cause is what you believe, please dont make too many of them.

And if you still do, well, lets see how far i can still be reading you, whitout being annoyed by them.

The story so far, it seems good, but it is not something that put my interest in hope, right now, you are very generical, they not much original material in here, but its only the prologue, lets see what could you do.

PLease, dont take this like a flame, cause english is not my native tongue, i can read, but writte, is well, a disaster.
Paladeus chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
Hidy hidy,

So we meet again, Arch Nemesis! Well, maybe not 'nemesis'... but still...


I'm still a major fan of Harmony. I've come to greatly prefer Lunar Harmony (H/Hr/Luna) instead, but Harmony is still a basis for anything I read. As such, I'm very pleased that this is Harry and Hermione goodness. That they were doing the naughty at thirteen/fourteen was not as odd as I originally thought it would be (when I thought they were going to get a quickie in against the tree,) but I'm glad they were comfortable enough to claim and reestablish themselves and their relationship so quickly.

As a Luna-lover now, though, I REALLY hope they work to pull Luna in and protect her or at least provide a solid friendship. I STRONGLY doubt you'll have her join the two (even if I wish that she would,) but even if with Neville (or Ron, if need be,) as long as she doesn't have to suffer, I'll be happy in that respect. She was a wonderful friend when they weren't to her in Canon. At least I think so. I mean, she was sincere and they laughed at her and mocked her just because they could and were finally happy to have someone beneath them. That just smacks of ... pathetic to me. That may not have happened in your version, but in Canon, I mourned what we know happened to her, and what we can pretty much be assured of (ie: being locked in Malfoy Manor for months and knowing what likely happened.)

I'm also a big fan of time-travel stories and especially so when the author truly writes in the Chaos Theory/Ripple Effect aspect. I'm rather looking forward to how your plot diverges from Canon and how their perceptions of the people they knew (like Ron, as an example) had become more romanticized as they were away from them. I mean, you've had them feeling Ron was a great friend (odd, when you consider Canon that he wasn't, actually, and had to be given a device to find them as if Dumbledore KNEW Ron would betray/leave them) and that they missed him, but IMMEDIATELY coming back, he's becoming jealous. Even if it seems to be pointing at him fancying Hermione already, it's standard Ron operating procedure to get angry and jealous when something doesn't go his way. Likewise, their real memories of Neville would be more war-hardened than the fumbling (and lovable) goof he is during third year and the like.

I got off topic, sorry. I ramble when I'm typing what I'm thinking.

I do kind of wish we had learned a bit more about what Harry had done and learned before going back and what both he and Hermione had learned before her death. We know they lived mostly as muggles, but she bought the trunk and they trained, but we don't know if they focused in one place or another. I mean, practical training would have been difficult if they couldn't raise wards, either. Though, I can see the wards registering somewhere.

I find the physical manifestations (particularly on Hermione) curious. It's like saying the metaphysical affects the physical. It makes sense, really. I mean, rituals designed to affect the soul or magic (in story, legend and history (Voldemort),) affect the body as well in some way, usually in some form of perception altering way, but still.

I absolutely LOVE the way you added in Voldemort using magic to control the minds of muggle authority and the like. I have been discussing that SAME concept with another author for a few months (particularly in use with my own "Champions of Lilith" story/challenge) about how controlling several towns' worth of muggles and setting them all to go and begin murdering like a wave of death on a set schedule (especially with the use of guns and massive home fires) would help greatly.

As for dislikes, I'll say Ron. Simple and easy. I hate him and his character. That they were friends when going back was just wrong on so many levels in my views. I mean, I can put up with him fine. I just don't like him. But, since the concept is pretty solid and there isn't anything I dislike more, I'll just say him as a general rule.

Thoughts I'd like to see taken further in the story, though, would be the mechanics for the spell, perhaps a focus on how Hermione came back and if it had to do with being over her grave/body or if her soul stayed by Harry's side or not. Also, perhaps seeing them set up a unique group of warriors willing to basically kill the baddies without taking time to be nice or waiting for the baddies to start attacking first.

I'd say add Luna to the relationship first and foremost, but I doubt you'd do it. I think I remember you being a pretty straight-up, two-person relationship kind of mentality on these things.

Adieu, and looks like a fun read,

Paladeus / Kevin
TsukiyoTenshi chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
This is REALLY good so far! But I can't help but wonder why Harry and Hermione won't just free Sirius in their 3rd year? Even if Wormtail has been captured and turned in, Gudge probably won't take the bloody rat seriously and put low security wards around wherever he'd be kept, allowing pettigrew to escape and things to fall in place as they did before, though, maybe Cedric should SURVIVE this time, don't you think?

Fayari chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Can't say I haven't seen this sort of plot before, but I'm still interested, and am currently waiting for your update.

Oh, and could you possibly, er... maybe let ME kill Snape? Just kidding. Please make his Death gruesome at least. tee hee.
Europec chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
*evil smile followed by megalomaniac laughter*
Alorkin chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Heya Dad!

Go-backs are my favorite sub-genre, and this one, like all your stories promises to be an exceptional tale.

While Harry, in the midst of grief travels through time, to see his beloved, is a common thread, this time you've invited Hermione along for the ride. Here also, you 'appear' to have made Ron a friend, albeit a jealous one. Their horror at find9ing theose images tells me that he is more a friend than in canon.

But I could be wrong.

Dumbledore is of course, the most dangerous threat to both Harry and Hermione, however, Minerva is not the headmaster's doormat. I like that.

She said: "His heart is fully for the light, but he'd try to Obliviate you both to hell and back before you could finish your first sentence."

I disagree intensely. Dumbledore is at best, a self-delusional tyrant with aspirations to godhood. He is an abettor of murder, slavery terrorism and child abuse.

Hardly 'of the light.'

I'd suggest them telling Filius. Being part goblin, he might have some connedctions they can use to bring an end to the threat of the dark lord(s).

In either event, I have placed this on my alerts list and hope to read more at your convenience.

Muirnin chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
ooh MD this one has potential ... I love it ...

The kicker for me ... YOU HAD THEM DRINK MY FAVORITE WHISKEY! I have had a lot of whiskey in my life and out of all of the different distilleries Glenmorangie is my favorite! The only problem is that I can't get it here in UTAH (I only drink 18 year or older!)

I can't wait to see what more you have for this story ... I wasn't too wild about the Gabi story but this one has got me hooked!
jabarber69 chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Hey I like fact I was feeling shivers run up and down my spine when they suddenly turned and realized that both of them came back...! it is another one of those kinds of stories that you cant put down even though its on a computer...!
impatientuser chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
this is your best yet.. Bravo.
jafr86 chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
great new story, I can't. wait to read the next chapter
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