Reviews for The End and the Beginning
snoopythepenguin chapter 9 . 5/31/2022
I really like this fic, but it’s extremely odd with the mentions of God and religious things. It completely throws me off every time bc I’ve never seen this in an hp fic before.
IronHair chapter 1 . 5/26/2022
Jetstream chapter 11 . 5/13/2022
“ Also, NO there will be no romance between Moody and Minerva. *shudders* Really people!”

Rude. Cranky old people need lovin’ too!
BigDMan chapter 14 . 4/21/2022
Good story but it seemed to end too quickly.
sdardio chapter 7 . 3/25/2022
Thank you for your service.
*salutes in respect*
(I’m a military brat. )
sdardio chapter 5 . 3/25/2022
Thank you for AN #5. One doesn’t typically see mention of the Lord Jesus as, rightfully, reverently as you did. Thank you.
muffdyvr chapter 5 . 3/17/2022
that fong shit is annoying as FUCK!
stevem1 chapter 12 . 3/14/2022
I despise Dumbledore. Why do they need any information from him? Horcruxes aren’t a thing. Kill Death Eaters until there are none left to kill. Kill Voldemort when he tries to reincorporate. If Harry becomes of age, form a political party and vote/bribe/coerce your way into improving Britain.

Dumbledore’s ‘knowledge’ is really only contacts and philosophy and between the individual members of the Family they have almost as much. His obsessions and baggage far offsets any value he has by way of knowledge.

This is my second read of the story. The only really criticisms I have is Harry’s constant use of ‘fong’ (he’s 27 years old for crying out loud, not an infant) and their telling everyone and their cousins (literally) that they are time-travelers. Has no one heard of operational security?
stevem1 chapter 1 . 3/14/2022
This is a brilliant start to a story.
potterpalspranks chapter 11 . 3/11/2022
Was the prune juice a deliberate Worf from Star Trek reference? Moody and Worf are both warriors. Even if it was an accident it is appreciated by me. Good story. Excited to see how it ends.
Darknessdawns chapter 14 . 2/19/2022
This was a wonderful story that held one of my favorite tropes, the do over. Even with that the story was beautifully original and well written. I lived how each of the characters were written and the family that formed throughout this piece. I think one of my favorite things was seeing how much things changed as the story progressed. How just a few changes caused the acceleration of Voldemort's rebirth and different events to happen. Another thing I loved about this is that it wasn't solely focused on the war against Voldemort, but more so on the love between Harry and Hermione. You did an excellent job showcasing that.

The writing style for this was well done and flowed amazingly. Everything seemed well paced with the backstory of the characters explaining their reactions and choices. Honestly I'm quite looking forward to reading more of your works and the stories you recommend. Thank you for writing this and sharing it. It was a lovely read.
WhatHaveIDiscovered chapter 14 . 2/5/2022
Really enjoyed this story. This was my first story of yours (which was referenced/recommended in another author's story) so I want to thank you for the few A/N where you stated you don't use the horcruxes. As I was reading I would find myself trying to figure how you were gonna deal with them and then those A/N would remind me haha. Enjoyed what you did with the characters in the Family. Well done all around!
Gazuzin chapter 14 . 1/20/2022
Lovely fic, wish it was a bit longer, more about the family afterwards
C3nterF0ld chapter 12 . 1/9/2022
this threw me for a slight loop cause I am ACTIVELY smoking Captain Black at the moment. made me chuckle though
tomascatts chapter 8 . 1/9/2022
Love it when Sirius stands up to Dumbledore's bull shit.
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