Reviews for The Obligatory Marriage Law Fic
Millie072 chapter 1 . 5/2/2021
Stupidity shall never die! LOL
HoneyBear84 chapter 2 . 3/21/2021
Love it
EdTheBeast chapter 2 . 3/20/2021
I love the Omake, the story line is a little sick, but is a good story plot!
Homarid chapter 1 . 12/4/2020
Hell yea, I knew it was an elf doing it or assisting. I disagree that Kreacher would start murdering purebloods unless Harry did some serious fuckery to him, but Dobby might because Harry is literally a god as far as he is concerned. Too bad he died heroically in canon. In my minds eye I am seeing Harry sitting in front of the Wizengamot telling them how dangerously stupid they are for not figuring out what was going on after 63 deaths. 63 might be enough to ruin wizarding Britain already, but they just want to keep going.

Dark story, but I had fun.
Light on the Horizon chapter 2 . 9/30/2020
Great story!
stevem1 chapter 2 . 9/28/2020
This is a funny omake. Thinking about it, Luna and Harry are perfect for one another in this story. After a few years when they’re finally old enough to settle down.
stevem1 chapter 1 . 9/28/2020
Wow. This is grim. And somewhat justified but I’d think he should have been targeting Ministry officials and Wizengamot members who made the law.
miguel.puentedejesus chapter 2 . 9/4/2020
miguel.puentedejesus chapter 1 . 9/4/2020
No Me Lo Esperaba.
humanoidpatronus chapter 2 . 9/4/2020
Even though I liked Harry's way of speaking, I have to say that only a coward would murder a bystander rather than the enemy.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8/2020
I do feel bad about Helen, kinda takes the fun out of this story. I would rather that her parents took her and fled on an extended vacation abroad or something.
The Punmaster chapter 2 . 4/14/2020
Alyce and Indi chapter 2 . 11/21/2019
Alyce and Indi chapter 1 . 11/21/2019
Eeesh, Dark Harry much? If you actually showed the deaths, I'd have stopped reading long ago. As is, I feel like I should feel something, but curiously detached (in a good way, I guess, since I rather like this story and being detached means I'll read chapter 2).
Celexs Draconia chapter 2 . 10/21/2019
This was amusing to read. I had a feeling it was a house elf doing the actual dirty work. I would enjoy seeing another omake chapter.

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