Reviews for The Obligatory Marriage Law Fic
mwinter1 chapter 1 . 3/9/2010
Oh to have seen this story through to the end where no pure blood women are left or the law makers stop trying to force Harry to marry.
megan chapter 1 . 3/9/2010
haha i lol'd at the ending! good twist! (and reading some of the other comments, my opinion would be to leave it here, because seriously, where else can you go?)

a fresh take on an old genre, cool :)
mumimeanjudy chapter 1 . 3/9/2010
That was darn near perfect - well done!
The elusive shadow chapter 1 . 3/9/2010
Wonderfully insanely perfect. I really hope that you'll ontinue with it. Only problem is that you killed of so many that there isn't many people left to carry up a plot.
Sakura Lisel chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
*roflol* I LOVE this take on the dreaded marriage law fics. I wish there were MORE like it now. *lol*

What better way of getting rid of unwanted potential spouses that the ministry is trying to force on you, than have someone else kill them for you. Though I would think after the first hundred deaths, they'd start suspecting something, and put guards on the potential brides to find out exactly what's going on. If anyone in the Miinistry actually have a fully functioning brain, too many potential pureblood brides of Harry Potter have all died from accidents, maulings, etc, for it to be all a coincidence. What are they going to do when all of the eligible marriage age girls finally die? Try pairing him up with children like that Helen girl, or with someone old enough to be his grandma? *lol*
ladysavay chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
I liked it but it didn't really finish.

It seems, even working non stop, he couldn't take them all out before they trap him and take his money.

I can't imagine he just couldn't leave with his gold in his pockets.

It just felt so very imcomplete...
dbrrforbit chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
Yes, Kreacher comes into his own. Thank you fo giving me a good laugh, just when I needed it.
Rocker Goth chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
wow this is so hillarous. I love it you are so my hero, because of this story. The ending made me laugh so much my dad looked at me like I was crazy. thanks for making me smile you mtotally made my night. amazing job
Hericus C chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
One of the best 'forced' marriage fics I've read. Bravo and go Kreature.
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