Reviews for Brother
The Writing Prokaryote chapter 7 . 5/10/2015
And Sakura enters!
sistercity chapter 11 . 4/30/2015
Just discovered this fic and read it through in one sitting. Really hope you haven't abandoned it, as it is both original and well written.
Hinata's and Kakashi's entrances into the group looked to be of interesting potential.
Alibi Nonsense chapter 11 . 4/29/2015
That was so beautiful. It's like a huge thing rising out of the deep, like, how you see their friendship coming together, and, soon, it'll be so huge it'll overcome anything. I love the last moment between Sasuke and Naruto when Sasuke's trying to shake some sense into his friend. I hope that gets sorted out. :(
I love it, though. XD
Keep going chapter 11 . 4/26/2015

Just wanted to let you know I'm reading this in 2015 & your last update was in 2013. This is a beautifully written piece of work & I would love for you to continue. Your writing, grammar & spelling is perfect & the plot is truly believable & well thought out. As a avid reader of Naruto fanfiction I commend you on your work.
thesmollbean chapter 11 . 4/25/2015
so sad *crying anime tears* can you please update
jupimako chapter 11 . 4/5/2015
Angst is fine... Good even. Especially since this story is awesome. But leaving us hanging in the middle of AngstVille isn't. Please please update.
Psychothic Kitty chapter 11 . 4/3/2015
I'm very much prepared to BEG here... please, PLEASE don't let this perfectly good, fun, well-written fiction work die! PLEASE COME BACK! T_T
Morlana chapter 9 . 3/13/2015
Just found your story, I really like it and hope you continue
Elaine du Lac chapter 2 . 3/8/2015
Well, it's pretty good for a first-ever fanfic! Intelligently written and well-thought, and well-imagined. Good dialogue, good prose and narration. I like your chapter titles too.
JustAAvidReader chapter 11 . 2/18/2015
you meanie, all the tears because of the last two chapters! (but so beautifully written).

i really like what youre doing here. its beautifull. i really hope you find it in you to continue it someday. beautifull.
JustAAvidReader chapter 5 . 2/18/2015
hi! i intend on comment on the future chapters later, but let me comment on your questinon in chapter 5.

I dont really have much contact with kids, but they do seem very kid like (normally the fics with them as kids portray's them fairly grown up for 8-10 years old kids...
I did think sasuke was trying to do something like this, leeching on naruto to not be on the limelight. it does come out as it, but not in a grownup way, but what feels like a kid might do, so thimbs up!
And im liking the pace :))

after i read other chapters, more reviews may come :)
TheawesomeSaze chapter 11 . 2/14/2015
This chapter was... emotional.
GeekQueen0421 chapter 11 . 2/1/2015
So. Many. TEARS! Those poor boys! This chapter made me cry - a lot. Still, the chapter was so beautiful in it's own way. You are truly an amazing artist. Please continue writing when you have the chance, you have so much talent. :)
GeekQueen0421 chapter 10 . 2/1/2015
OH MY GOSH! Squirrel! I cried so much for her! What an amazing ANBU she was! R.I.P. ANBU Squirrel!
GeekQueen0421 chapter 8 . 2/1/2015
Awww! They are just TOO CUTE! Honestly, I'm so happy with them being together! I just can't wait to see how far this story develops!
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