Reviews for Major Misconduct
Evelyne-raconte chapter 36 . 9/16/2024
I love it. Fantastic fiction. Thank you.
Cknsw chapter 36 . 7/18/2024
This was just a wonderful read. The right amount of love with a shot of angst. Well written and just a beautiful story. Definately voting for a sequel.
it's simply me n you chapter 10 . 12/10/2023
Great first date. He really was showing her who he is
Guest chapter 36 . 3/18/2023
I loved this story, what a beautiful written. Thanks for sharing it with us.️️️️
PCCTwiFF23 chapter 3 . 11/14/2022
And I get so happy when Angela is part of the friend group, when she's actually Bella's ultimate BFF! These three are all really cute in the story so far!
PCCTwiFF23 chapter 2 . 11/14/2022
So I never had the pleasure of reading this story after all the years I've been reading Twilight fanfiction. I'm enjoying Bella's inner monologues. And I mostly use the audio function for all of the stories. So I'm listening to chapter 2 and can honestly say that this is the first time I've snorted out loud in a long time to a story! Bella feeling up Edward's leg just makes me giggle.
Jenycullen chapter 19 . 6/22/2022
Well the Batman reference definitely aged well!
QueenGB chapter 36 . 5/20/2022
Goodness I loved these two and happy he’s back on the ice. Lucard is the only thing I’m not pleased with. He got off easy. Sociopaths are criminally intelligent he can fool Psychiatrists and get out. Oh well it doesn’t matter they got the much deserved HEA. Now I’ll finish Edward’s pov. Thank you for this story. I really enjoyed it. Well done.
QueenGB chapter 34 . 5/20/2022
Is this the only follow up on Lucard? I feel some supreme punishment is n order.
QueenGB chapter 31 . 5/19/2022
Bella is a fierce little warrior too.
QueenGB chapter 30 . 5/19/2022
Wow. You are writing my top five Bella/Edward characters out of 5e thousands I’ve read including the original. Truth. I love how fierce they are for each other.
QueenGB chapter 29 . 5/19/2022
SM has got nothing on your Meadow. Jeebus. ;-)
QueenGB chapter 27 . 5/19/2022
We'll be careful together, Edward. We'd be so goddamn miserable without each other we wouldn't notice the first thing that was going on around us. We'd be in more trouble, not less."

If only SM had made her Bella this smart. You can be shy put passionate and strong. We’ll done.
QueenGB chapter 26 . 5/19/2022
Yeah he’s super crazy because he’s stalking a cops daughter not just Edward’s girl.
QueenGB chapter 23 . 5/18/2022
So is Lucard first name James? Is he going to be a stalking freak? I hope he didn’t watch them have sex. Loved the way Tanya didn’t send Bella into a runaway spiral. She’s right Tanya is unimaginative.
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