Reviews for The Finer Shades of Why
SnowflakesandMozart chapter 38 . 2/1
Your exploration of loyalty and motivations in this fic is so interesting! I know from the date of posting that you wrote this before TCW created mind control chips as the explanation for the clones’ obedience in killing the Jedi. (I hope you haven’t been getting “corrected” by zealous but unobservant readers for the past decade. That would be deeply annoying.) The clones in this fic are so much more like droids, as you say, because of that lack of free will, and it’s very chilling to read. The conversation between Obi-Wan and Cody as well as Cody’s choices answers questions I’ve been asking myself throughout the fic about how Cody in particular, but also all of Obi-Wan’s troops, could have betrayed him so persistently. I like the parallel comparison Obi-Wan draws between his own loyalty to Anakin and Cody’s loyalty to his duty. And I just love that Cody finds a way around his programmed loyalty, even at the expected cost of his life, even though Obi-Wan doesn’t kill him. This exploration of all the nuances and costs of loyalty is one of my favorite aspects of this story. So often, absolute loyalty to someone or something is portrayed as a virtue in stories. It’s even the key to savingvthe day, especially in SW fixit fics. It’s refreshing to read an exploration of the pitfalls of loyalty, of how it can lead people wrong under certain circumstances.
SnowflakesandMozart chapter 11 . 1/27
“Insults are always so much more civilized when delivered deadpan.” What a fantastic line!
SnowflakesandMozart chapter 10 . 1/27
This fic is one of my favorite characterizations of Anakin and Obi-Wan. You peg their motivations and flaws (and strengths) so accurately. Like the bit here at the end about the differences in how they love and how both are destructive, but in opposite directions.
AlexianBlithworth chapter 11 . 12/27/2023
To this day I still wonder, was it too much of a loss?
True, sentient the Sand People may have been but it was always a sentience with a ferality to it, I don't think culling them was a bad choice, what was, was Anakin's misplaced idea of justice and retribution.
Haley Renee chapter 43 . 10/11/2023
Amazing, amazing, AMAZING fic! I read the entire thing in about 2 days. Thank you so much for writing it!
Guest chapter 43 . 7/20/2023
AWWW! I LOVE THIS FIC! IT WAS LONG BUT WORTH IT! EVERYTHING TIED TOGETHER, IT WAS AMAZING! I mean I would have loved to see more Dooku Grandpa having a conversation with grandson Obi but it was still amazing! I nearly cried at the appearance of Cody and Rex. But and I mean I’m very sorry about what I’m about to say but HOW DARE YOU SLAG OFF CODY! CODY FOR FORCE SAKE!
TheExpertProcrastinator chapter 4 . 12/5/2022
Hi! I love your fic so very much, I've read it a bunch of times and I think it's amazing! I just have a question that I hope you can answer: Dooku seems to often refer to Obi-Wan as kind of being like his grandson, and being the last of his line. He thinks of him and Obi-Wan as having a familial connection because they are in the same lineage. But Anakin is also in the same lineage, so why does Dooku not care about him, if only because Qui-Gon was fond of Anakin as well, for the short time that he knew him? Obi-Wan is certaintly not the last of Dooku's line, because he trained Anakin, and if Ahsoka hadn't left the order, she would be in his line as well.
Nellchen chapter 43 . 12/5/2022
I don't know whether you will read this, as it is 10 years later, but I have to write at least a few words about this. It was masterfully written, and I thank you for gifting this fic to us! I loved your depiction of the character's thoughts processes, their relationships and the character growth. They felt very in-character, even though it was a AU (and an interesting one at that!). Thank you for making me feel things and for brightening my week with this! I hope you have a good life and you keep writing and loving it! :)
Dasgun chapter 1 . 11/25/2022
Serleena Xath chapter 43 . 8/2/2022
I can't believe it took me 10 years to find this fanfic! It was the most wonderful thing I've ever read in my life, I've never read anything like it. I always wanted to read a fanfic with the vibe dad! obi wan and I found yours to be the purest perfection. I'm just sad because I'll probably never find a fanfic as well written and as sensitive as yours. You understood the meaning of anakin and obi wan's relationship well and you wrote it brilliantly. The affection between them and the jokes made me smile a lot.
TheExpertProcrastinator chapter 12 . 7/14/2022
great fic, but what about ahsoka? Anakin has technically raised a child, he raised Ahsoka for a long time, and he would certaintly die for her
Desiree1717 chapter 1 . 6/27/2022
Well done!
BunheadBookworm chapter 25 . 6/17/2022
I’m LIVING for Obi-Wan’s hateful inner commentary
Guest chapter 8 . 6/16/2022
“Why, yes, Obi-Wan is certainly inclined toward the mass-murder of millions. He dabbles in the dark side occasionally, as well. And employing Dark Jedi minions? It's one of his favorite pastimes”

I loved this paragraph, it’s very funny, and it really gives us a sense of Obi-Wan’s inner voice.
Scarease chapter 1 . 3/26/2022
Consider Dooku Plan for better Galaxy through figure Sidious whole plan ,Insure that Sidious would die ,then have prosperous and just government formed .Dooku used as example to reform the Separatist Faction into proper Moral government by arrest and replacing Sidious Corrupt Corporate pawns Like Nute Gunray .
By What remember about lore Dooku never really became Sith fully it one reason that through Clone wars his eyes never became yellow he not given himself over to darkside of selfishness like .He sought to kill Sith from Within .
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