Reviews for Ready for Love?
b3j02 chapter 3 . 4/8/2012
Aww he is sweet! I love him! I feel bad for him but he knows what's coming and he's ready to man up!
b3j02 chapter 2 . 4/8/2012
OH Bella how I understand your circle brain! LOL Very good chapter! I also understand her distractions! I do that too!
b3j02 chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
I gotta say I almost cried! I also smiled and laughed and shook my head but mostly I was on the verge of tears! I was a young mom, I was already married though, but still scared as all get out! I guess I just went there with them for a minute. Great start!
irelandk chapter 44 . 4/8/2012
phoenix fan1 chapter 32 . 4/8/2012
My Cassidy's middle name is June. But I like Cassidy Rose a lot too!
phoenix fan1 chapter 22 . 4/7/2012
I guess I should have kept reading before I stopped mid chap ( while reading on my iPad) to review! My oldest daughter is named Samantha... A little 6 year old ball buster who prefers to be called Sam ;)
phoenix fan1 chapter 21 . 4/7/2012
Edward even thinking about the cost of co- pays and wanting to pay it back made me a little teary eyed and so proud! And I love that he likes the name Cassidy! My daughter Cassidy was born on Edwards b day (June 20th) last year :)
Missy64 chapter 44 . 4/6/2012
I loved this story sooo much! it made me cry, laugh, and everything in between! it was so beautifully written, and i loved how you often related the story to your own life. it was amazing. great job! (:
Crazybee3 chapter 44 . 4/2/2012
That was great :)

Thank you!
Wants2BeACullen chapter 44 . 4/1/2012
Love, love, loved your story! Someone who has not lived that life could not have done the "military wife's" point of view justice. Well done. I can't wait to read more of your stories :)
yippiekayay chapter 44 . 4/1/2012
what a beautiful story. thank you for sharing your insight with us!
suzy 2010 chapter 44 . 3/28/2012
Thank you for sharing this wonderful army story with us. Edward and Bella really made a mess of things at the start. But with a lot of hard work and determination things worked out in the end.
RoseT chapter 15 . 3/27/2012
I knew it! When he was in PA and stopped by that place where the guy was motioning him to come forward that is was an ARMY recruit. Ironically enough I was on the phone with my sister, who is an army wife, discussing her upcoming move to...South Korea when I read this chapter!

You're not always sent to nice warm weather, full of intrigue places in the army! I HATE that she is about to move so far away from home! They have been lucky so far in that every time her husband received these far off placements, they stayed here. Of course, they couldn't go with him on his 2 tour of duties to Iraq, but he has also been to S. Korea twice and they just visited but didn't move with him. That is changing this time because he is a Lieutenant Colonel who may go to Full Bird Colonel (one step below a General) in this S. Korea placement. TH

This is a big deal and he wants his wife and 2 daughters to be with him.
roxanne34145 chapter 44 . 3/27/2012
Thank you for a wonderful story I just love the military stories. Please thank all your family members for their service to our country. My dad is also a Korean War vet but this Memorial Day I will think of your papa when we proudly fly our flag!
bella's beta chapter 44 . 3/27/2012
What a story. I just loved it i hope to read more from u. Ur very talented
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