Reviews for Amenaza
Orchamus chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
Darth nylon544 chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
Well done. I like how Naruto died, it was simple and so ironic. Please whatever you do don't have Naruto become a good guy again or change his ways he can't he is a hollow.

Naruto has all reasons to be filled with hatred as his corpse was experimented on and people were happy that he died and no one cared that he existed, you could have Holloew!naruto kill people infront of others but the villagers and shinobi can't see him so they on;y see people dropping dead for no reasons Naruto could cause people to feel that Konoha is cursed as people drop dead for no reason. He can eat the souls of the dead of the village.

Please update.
narutofan1111 chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
oh i like this, and can kinda see where its going to, keep up your work!
Sephiroth owns u all chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
awesome story please continue
DarkGenesis chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
good story. i like how your not sparring anyone. will there be any naruX? pairings, cuase i think this story will be better without any.
OBSERVER01 chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
it up
Weapon-VII chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
Not bad, the story structure and grammar seem to be pretty good, the only problem is the attitude the remainder ninja took upon them selves with the treatment of Naruto and the approval of the Nine Tails chakra.

Other than that keep up the good work.
Darksnider05 chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
Should change chapter 1 just a bit to have Konoha destroyed right off all souls consumed. Or even better have a few survive get tapped on the forehead by a Shinigami then dragged to hell. Either way him running off when the object of his revenge is right there is a bit hard to believe and I hope your story doesn't follow that example.

Also everyone's reaction to Narutos death was out of character it's kinda hard to accept at the same time it says a lot about your writing. Hundred other ways you could have him become a Hollow simply having Pain destroy Konoha while he watches would of done it. Having everyone turn out of character on the flip of a dime made no sense.

Sakura cares a lot about Naruto by this point in the series. Same with a big section of Konoha. Either way hope you skill up good idea not a horrible execution but you rushed and went for easy. Little polish and hard work and you could make this into something great.
matrice chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
I like the way you have took the change into a hollow rather slowly. Naruto has been bound to that place for quite a while, and his feeling of hatred has grown and accumulated over time.
karthik9 chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
it is excellent chapter i look forward to future updates
Fayneir chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
I LIKE THIS. Great start. I hope EVERYONE dies at Naruto's hands. Both in life and in death. What a pathetic.
actionliker chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
kill them all naruto!
King Who Stands Alone chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
Interesting plot you've got here so far. I like how you changed the plot from, instead of Naruto giving some cheesy speech to Pain, Naruto dies mid-battle.

Also, I really like the way you kill Naruto, as morbid as that sounds. Everyone has him die in some big battle, where Naruto makes some big damn sacrifice, or something to that effect. You however, thought outside of the box and killed Naruto through Chakra Exhaustion, and for that, I applaud you. Not many writers get that creative.

I felt that Naruto winning against the Shinigami was a bit... boring. I felt that the fight should have dragged on into the second chapter, seeing as Naruto was transformed into a body that he had no real combat experience in. Say what you want, but it's a pretty drastic change from fighting on two feet, to fighting on four.

Also, how did Naruto know to eat the Shinigami? The Shinigami only told him that Hollows eat humans, though, I guess Naruto could have just used common sense to realize that Shinigami are basically just humans with extra powers.

But why the hell did the Shinigami explain himself at all? I would think he would prefer death, rather than give a Hollow any information that it wants. I'll chalk that one up to the Shinigami's arrogance though, since he thought Naruto would be an easy kill.

I expect to see more soon, since this story looks promising.


Emperor Lelouch Lamperouge
spedclass chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
Awesome chapter keep up the good work and update soon!
Litewarior chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
Hmm, this does seem like a rather good crossover. And please, define pairing to me. Would pairing be a long time relationship, or just a one-night stand? Because I think that the latter would be a fair idea, of course, once he becomes an Arrancar! Or will he... EPIC IDEA!

And I have never heard of chakra overuse, but it makes sense. And also...

Shinigami seem to be brainwashing.







that kind of thing.
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