Reviews for Amenaza
TommyMS chapter 20 . 2/28/2023
In my region Besti means Best Friend lol
TommyMS chapter 20 . 2/28/2023
when you said Phanter my mind is like 'GRIMMJOW'
TommyMS chapter 14 . 2/28/2023
Yeah still the same dumb hot headed Naruto, this is basically Evil classic Naruto lol
TommyMS chapter 13 . 2/28/2023
Damn i know Naruto will eventually eat his father but Kushina...
TommyMS chapter 12 . 2/28/2023
Damn although Naruto now is a Twisted Evil Hollow he still has his 'Determined AF Till I Die' thing
RiIl chapter 2 . 2/19/2023
Your depiction of Naruto characters so far is rough to say the least. Not to mention the dodgy power scaling.
Guest chapter 24 . 2/18/2023
If this had a crossover with Echoes. Who do you think would be the antagonist. Kazama, or Hollow Naruto. Also how would Sakura react to Sasuke? If she's that crazy for Naruto, than how crazy would she be for a version of Sasuke. Who's as everybody knows, tried to pursue for years. Also how would the Konoha division react to two versions of Naruto who are both evil in their own ways.
Guest chapter 53 . 2/11/2023
I think conversation should have happened.
Naruto: Trying to appeal to my humanity won't work dumbass. And look what happened to my poor little shinigami aspect.
Hinata: Shinigami aspect?
Naruto: Look I made a little replica of him when I last saw him.
Shows a mutilated mannequin with the appearance of Shinigami Naruto.
Naruto: Aw he's so shy.
Minato: Who the hell are you and what did you do to my son!?
Naruto: I still am unfortunately your son. This just happens to my mental Shinigami version of me, that still had my moronic ideals of Friendship and Trust.
You see I was talking to the Nine Tailed Fox when suddenly He Showed up proclaiming he was what I was supposed to be when I died. I killed him of course. He tried restoring all of my positive emotions. And it worked. You know what I did? I drowned them out, became even more of Psychopath than I was before. So you see now I am beyond redemption.
Guest chapter 66 . 2/3/2023
Welp that was depressing, well written but it was still hard to see naruto become a murderous cannibalism loving psychopath wonder what would have happen if other franchises would have stepped in. Probably more bittersweet than truly happy but the former shell that was Naruto would have lost. Anyway good story may have to watch Bleach someday in order to appreciate the full story cause i've only ever watched Naruto.
blackfire467 chapter 66 . 1/28/2023
Paul Lenzen chapter 66 . 12/31/2022
Holy shit man this was good
KyuubiDragneel808 chapter 66 . 12/28/2022
8 years after you completed this story is when I started reading it. All the hard work you put into this was justified, amazing work you’ve done. Thank you.
imnotahorcrux chapter 1 . 12/23/2022
bloomsbury dhazel hating this? oh gosh. oof.
Crozhath Gorechaser chapter 66 . 12/17/2022
I love you
Gilgamesh50 chapter 3 . 11/19/2022
I hope you somehow add or hove something of asura to naruto since he is supposed to be his reincarnate or something right?
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