Reviews for Code Lyoko: Project Scipio
deborah chapter 69 . 6/8/2016
scipio code lyoko
Guest chapter 29 . 1/8/2013
elf chapter 26 . 5/31/2012
Wow. Honestly, I don't have much to say. I mean, I could blabber a lot, but I'm just going to be simple for once. This was a...powerful chapter. A turning point, of sorts, if that makes any sense. We've just unravelled a whole new mystery and they have to go to Germany! Lots of adventures to look for!

And Odd. D: That was just sad. It's weird to think up him dead, least of all grown-up. He's a fourteen-year-old whenever I picture him. He definitely will be missed. ;a;

Also, yay, Calvin's NOT dead. Yayy.
elf chapter 25 . 5/31/2012
When I first read this chapter, I was really confused. Because Yumi would never cheat on Ulrich willingly. But now I see the whole picture...and I just feel pity for both Yumi and Ulrich. Ulrich because he comes home after fighting in a war and sees his girlfriend making out with someone. And Yumi because she'll have to live with feeling terrible even though it was William's fault. It stinks that he'd do that. :/

And oh wow, William is acting terrible. Seriously. That's just terrible.

D'awww, Ulrich chose Yumi over his parents! That's really sweet seeing something that shows how much they're willing to do with each other. I thought Ulrich's mother would be a bit more rational about this though. Hopefully she calmed down after and the same with his dad. And hah! Sissi's line. That was great.
elf chapter 24 . 5/31/2012
Oh my goodness, suna, WHAT THE HECK? Everyone's dying! ;a; Or close to dying! Things definitely don't look good for the group...

This was a fast-paced chapter, and even though I always talk about how I like reading about the quieter moments (you know, those everyday ordinary ones), this was also a great read. I like action, and I like action that goes by quickly. Because, you know, in real time, the warriors aren't going to have time to describe each and every poetic moment of the fight.

And oh damn, XANA's here, and Calvin does not look like he's doing very well. o.o Ami also apparently can't kick the XANAfied Rumiko, which makes Rumiko virtually untouchable. And the clones are also very powerful, which definitely is not helping Calvin. Now that I think about it, fighting against five clones and XANA is probably not the smartest thing to do if one can help it.

Anyway, nicely paced chapter. I liked it!
elf chapter 23 . 4/21/2012
I really don't have much to say about this. Usually I have plenty of things to ramble about, but this is a longer scene of yours, and more action-based, I think. Nothing wrong with that except just that this is going to be a shorter review than usual.

I guess all I have to say is that Ami has guts. I don't know if I'd be able to stab myself. Of course, there's a reason why she's an LW and I'm not. :D

Again, no spelling or grammar errors that I can see (and I don't think you want me to get annoyingly nitpicky and I don't want to either). I liked how the fight sequence didn't drag on forever. Hopefully we get to see how Sam and Antea are doing though! Or at least, I hope we see them back on Earth again and all right and everything. Good job on this chapter. B)
elf chapter 22 . 4/21/2012
On Dennis...Ulrich and his father redux, anyone?

And oh no, Rumiko's possessed. It must be so creepy having one of your closest be possessed by XANA. Yay for Calvin and Antea being there! And is the XANA-fied Rumiko talking about that program Mr Xavier was talking about? My memory is a little fuzzy considering I read the earlier chapters such a long time ago, but I swear that the group was going to work on a program. /vague

I'm glad that Calvin at least realises he should apologise. I wouldn't want to see their friendship ruined because of some misunderstandings. I hope Calvin can just try and put himself in Dennis' shoes, because having a demananding parent cannot be easy. :/

Anyway, all in all, I thought this was a nice chapter. No outstanding grammar or spelling mistakes that I can think of, and I thought the characterisation of Dennis' father was great!
Yules chapter 21 . 4/15/2012
I don't have anything rambly here to say here. This chapter was just so cute. I'm not sure if that's what you want this to be described as, but oh well. One thing I like about how you've written this story, is how you've sort of juxtaposed (big word alert for me! XD) the XANA scenes and the lighter scenes. It's a reminder of how while XANA is doing all these bad things and making life harder for the group, there is still real life and it goes on.

And poor Sammy and Sam. ;a; Though I don't approve of Sissi's behaviour. P: And yay for Calvin and Sam's friendship. Their conversation was really sweet, but not to the point of being unbearable to read.

And awkward conversation much, William Jr? :D I hope they can be friends in the end.
Yules chapter 20 . 4/15/2012
I really loved the vegan dialogue. It's great as a little snapshot that just gives us input of the group's lives. I also thought it was realistic. "'Move it, you hippie!' Sammy said as she pushed her to the ground 'You're holding up the rest of the line.'" Great line there. :D Your transition to the next topic was really well done too, imo. In all, this conversation flowed nicely.

And yay for Dennis being so perceptive! It's kind of scary though. I mean, who knows what this virus will do to Calvin?

I thought the scene with Mr Xavier was very interesting/telling too. I'm liking how we're getting glimpses into XANA's mind and the "bad guy"'s mind (though Mr Xavier doesn't seem too bad just yet...). It's nice to have that contrast. It's also nice having somewhat of an idea of what's brewing, though I'm not exactly sure yet. Kind of like "giving a dog a bone". Though XANA is being really horrible here. Here's to hoping this'll end well.

And oh don't know exactly how much trouble Calvin is in.

I only have one criticism to make. I think the scene change from XANA/Mr Xavier to Calvin in his bed was a little abrupt. Other than that, I don't have anything else to say though. Great job.
elf chapter 19 . 3/5/2012
Oh Suna, I really hate Sammy here. Of course, all bullies are just assholes and they really suck, but still, Sammy is really just...sucking here (and there it goes, evidence of my eloquence).

Anyway, on to the chapter. I don't have much to say. I think the dialogue went well here and it felt really natural to me. And the progression of the scenes also seemed natural. I'd say out of chapter lengths, yours ranks on the short-medium side (and that's not an insult, shorter chapters are nicer to read imo), so it's definitely more of a challenge to change scenes in shorter chapters. You do it really well though, so great job for that. :D

And ooh, Carthage? Interesting. P: Let's see what kind of trouble they get themselves into. And oh my gosh, you know that I don't really go on FFN much (I'm like the opposite of you actually; I'm pretty terrible at writing fanfiction myself yet...slightly better at original fiction!), so maybe I've forgotten or something, but I love the 'Kiwi Jr.' part. Oh Kiwi, of course he had to come back and make an appearance, even if it's in the style of a dog named after him. I just had to mention that. I love the 'Kiwi Jr.' thing.

Oh! Just one more thing. Roman history is amazingly awesome. Shame on Calvin for not getting the names right! :D
Mixmaster226 chapter 77 . 2/23/2012
We have faith in you, Calvin; you're the son of two Lyoko warriors after all.
Soul Jelly chapter 82 . 2/18/2012
That was a really satisfying ending. Great to see the original Lyoko warriors rejoining the fight alongside their kids. Also glad to see Ulrich make peace with his father in the end, after all the drama they went through.

Ending with Franz Hopper's story was a nice touch; in a way it was like the whole thing coming full circle, ending with the character that first started the whole story of Lyoko.

A fun story! I liked reading it.
Soul Jelly chapter 77 . 2/18/2012
"Bullshit." Dennis said. "If you're Anthony Schaeffer, then you'd be like 70 years old."

"And?" Anthony said."

"Uh... Looking good." Dennis said.

Awesome bit of dialogue, heh. I really like what you've done with XANA's character and origins. Sad that Jeremie had to die some chapters back, but his speech to XANA about XANA's misunderstanding of love was really cool.
Mixmaster226 chapter 55 . 2/18/2012
This is a truly amazing fanfic. And the best part is, calvin and I can relate. I practically have the same issues as he does.
Soul Jelly chapter 60 . 2/18/2012
The filler chapters were fun, but on the whole I'm liking the fast pace of this story. A lot has happened in these last few chapters and it's been a good mix of action and backstory. I'm enjoying the contrast between the teens' everyday typical teen problems (relationships, the soccer match, etc.) and their fights on Lyoko. Interesting take on XANA's origins too, and it's a change to have him properly speak and interact with the characters rather than being a faceless, personality-less entity.
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