Reviews for Worth the Fight |
jendarra chapter 13 . 8/14/2010 Excellent chapter, and now Scott's got help in the form of John, and Scott really needs help. I think Summer must have somehow made that happen. Not sure that every thing is gonna be okay though, don't think we've seen the last of the demon. |
geuss chapter 13 . 8/14/2010 wow I've got to admit I lost track of this fic for a bit...but now I'm really into it. Its very good. I hope you continue, and best of luck with the next chapter. |
bubzchoc chapter 13 . 8/12/2010 excellent chapter cant wait for more |
GakuenJenn chapter 13 . 8/11/2010 You sure do know how to draw people into the action. I can't help but want more. But I'll be patient and wait for more. |
sammygirl1963 chapter 13 . 8/11/2010 Awesome chapter. I don't know if was Summer that got Johnny there to cott...wnatever it was, I'm glad it happened because he surely just kept his big brother from dying. |
Loopstagirl chapter 13 . 8/11/2010 Wow, John is there as well? Just in the nick of time, it looks like! What an incredible chapter, i must remember to breathe next time though. And yay, they killed the demon, that was really awesome. Wow, wow, wow, this was really incredible. I love what ever is happening "there" is also reflected in reality. Wonder how Alan knew something was wrong with John, though. Do you know what i love about how you did this- it was John who went to Scott. So often people focus on the relationship between Scott and Virgil, it was refreshing to see it being John. Brilliant chapter! |
GakuenJenn chapter 12 . 7/31/2010 Beautiful. Simply Beautiful. I like the style and flow of the story. It has a simplistic elegance to it, and that is the best kind. I look forward to reading more. |
bubzchoc chapter 12 . 7/14/2010 great chapter cant wait for more |
Loopstagirl chapter 12 . 7/14/2010 Hahaha, that was an awesome chapter. Their reactions to Summer reading Scott Twilight was brilliant - even Scott's reaction. It seemed such a typically Tracy way to react! Another brilliant one, you captured John's pain and emotions really brilliantly! :) |
sammygirl1963 chapter 12 . 7/13/2010 Fantastic chapter once again. I am loving this Summer character and how she has intertwined herself with the Tracyys! It's a good thing they've noticed how she seems to have a calming effect on Scott as it will mot definitely help him to keep fighting and recover. LOL, loved John's reaction upon finding out what book Saummer was reading to Scotty...that was awesome! I'll admit to never having seen or read Twilight...but I sytill loved their reactions! |
sammygirl1963 chapter 11 . 6/21/2010 Awesome chapter. Thank goodness Scotty was able to fight off that demon. The question is, will he be able to keep doing so until he comes out of the coma. LOL, loved the refernce to Supernatural! |
Loopstagirl chapter 11 . 6/21/2010 Another amazing chapter! I love the supernatural references- big fan here- and also love how what is happening to Scott there is also kind of happening to him in reality as well, that is really awesome! Another great one! :) |
bubzchoc chapter 11 . 6/21/2010 great chapter hope there's more soon cant wait to see wot happens next |
jendarra chapter 10 . 6/16/2010 Wow, Summer's a patient, really didn't expect that, and I bet she'skeeping an eye on the family as well as Scott. Another great chapter, and glad that Gordon knows his brother will fight to survive. |
montogma chapter 10 . 6/15/2010 another excellent chapter! I'm really enjoying this story alot. I loved the scenes with scott and summer and summer and gordon. Those were fantastic. |